All abstracts by Zoltan Zajacz in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2023) Development of New Methods to Track Magma Degassing and Fluid Fluxing in Complex Magmatic Systems Based on Halogen RatiosMiranda M, Schirra M, Tsay A & Zajacz Z
(2023) Sulfur Speciation at 2.6 GPa and 700-900℃ in Hydrous Fluids: A Key to Understand Sulfur Transfer from Subducted Slabs to the Sub-Arc Mantle
Pálos Z, Tsay A & Zajacz Z
(2023) The Effect of Temperature on Sulphur Speciation in Magmatic Fluids and its Implications for Magma Redox and Ore Genesis
Farsang S & Zajacz Z
(2023) Volatile Element and Chalcophile Metal Behavior during Magma Differentiation in Transcrustal Systems: Implications for Magma Fertility for Porphyry Ore Genesis
Zajacz Z
(2023) Slab Controls on the Redox State of Primitive Arc Magmas: A Case Study from the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt
Li W, Zajacz Z & Levresse G
(2023) The Effects of Chlorine and Melt Aluminosity on Ore-Forming Potential in Arc-Related Magmatic-Hydrothermal Systems
Gennaro I, Tsay A, Schirra M & Zajacz Z
(2023) The Evolution of a Trans‐crustal Alkaline Magma System and its Implications for Epithermal Au Mineralization: A Case Study from Lihir Island, Papua New Guinea
Schirra M & Zajacz Z
(2023) Experimental Development of New Oxybarometers Based on V-Sc Exchange between Mafic Minerals and Hydrous Silicate Melts
Cacciatore EE, Tsay A & Zajacz Z
(2020) Kinetics of the Serpentinization Reactions: It’s About Time
Lamadrid H, Zajacz Z & Bodnar R
(2020) Fluid-Rock Interaction in the Lower Crust Based on Silicate Melt Inclusions in Garnet Granulite Xenoliths
Németh B, Török K, Bali E, Zajacz Z & Szabó C
(2020) Variability in Primary Productivity Associated with Arctic Sea-Ice Melt Recorded in Crustose Coralline Algae
Chan PTW, Halfar J, Zajacz Z, Schӧne B, Andersson-Dahl C & Jansen E
(2020) Redox Control on Sulfur Mobility in the Magmatic-Hydrothermal Ore-Forming Environment
Zajacz Z, Tsay A & Ghazali N
(2019) Chlorine Partitioning between Granitic Melt and C-O-H-Cl Aqueous Fluids in the Earth’s Upper Crust, and Implications for Magmatic-Hydrothermal Ore Genesis
Hsu Y-J, Zajacz Z, Ulmer P & Heinrich CA
(2019) Experimental Constraints on Oceanic Carbonatite Formation in Alkaline Silicate Melt Systems
Weidendorfer D, Asimow PD & Zajacz Z
(2019) Sm-Nd and Sr Isotope Systematics of Western Abitibi Scheelites and Andradite Garnets, Implications for Gold Mineralization
Bouvier A, Van Kessel A, Geiger J, Linnen RL, Georg RB, Zajacz Z & Withers AC
(2018) The Determination of Sulfur Concentration in Silicate Glasses and Recrystallized Silicate Melt Inclusions by LA-ICP-MS
Tsay A, Grondahl C & Zajacz Z
(2018) Redox Conditions Dictate the Fate of Sulfur at the Magmatic-Hydrothermal Transition
Zajacz Z, Ghazali N & Tsay A
(2017) Comparison of Three Analytical Techniques to Measure Mg/Ca Values in High-Latitude Encrusting Coralline Algae
Williams B, Halfar J, Light T, Hou A, Zajacz Z & Tsay S
(2017) The Solubility of Anhydrite in Magmatic Fluids and its Implications for Porphyry Ore Genesis
Tsay A & Zajacz Z
(2017) The Solubility of Silver in Magmatic Fluids
Yin Y & Zajacz Z
(2013) Melt Inclusions in Mafic-Ultramafic Potassic Volcanic Rocks in British Columbia, Canada: A Record of the Transfer of PGE from Mantle to Crust in Porphyry Settings
Hanley J & Zajacz Z
(2013) Trace Element Partitioning between Immiscible Silicate and Carbonate Melts, Based on Natural Melt Inclusions from Kerimasi Volcano, Tanzania
Guzmics T & Zajacz Z
(2013) Controls on the Composition of Magmatic Volatiles in the Crust: Implications for Ore Genesis and Volcanic Degassing
Zajacz Z, Candela P, Piccoli P & Sanchez-Valle C
(2013) Magma Signatures in the Terceira Rift Azores: A Melt Inclusion Study
Marques AFA, Zajacz Z, Madureira P & Scott S
(2013) Experimental Constraints on Fe Isotope Fractionation in Fluid-Melt-Oxide-Sulfide Assemblages
Bilenker L, Simon A, Lundstrom C, Gajos N & Zajacz Z
(2013) Rare Earth Element Behavior in Subduction-Zone Fluids: The Effect of T and Ligands
Tsay A, Zajacz Z & Sanchez-Valle C
(2013) The Effect of Silicate Melt Composition on the Volatile/Melt Partitioning of Oxidized Sulfur
Zajacz Z
(2013) Magma Droplets in Coexisting Olivine and Spinel Phenocrysts Hosted in the Pohang Basalt (South Korea)
Vetlényi EJ, Aradi LE, Szabó C, Zajacz Z & Yang K
(2012) The Effects of Magma Composition on the Genesis of Magmatic-Hydrothermal Ore Deposits
Zajacz Z
(2011) The Solubility of Au and Cu in Andesite Melts
Zajacz Z, Candela PA, Piccoli PM, Wälle M & Sanchez-Valle C
(2010) The Effect of Magma Composition on the Genesis of Hydrothermal Gold and Copper Ore Deposits
Zajacz Z, Seo JH, Candela P, Piccoli P & Heinrich C
(2009) Diffusive Reequilibration of Quartz Hosted Silicate Melt and Fluid Inclusions: Are all Metal Concentrations Unmodified?
Zajacz Z, Hanley J, Heinrich C, Halter W & Guillong M
(2009) Accuracy and Application of Sulfur Quantification in Fluid Inclusions by LA-ICPMS
Guillong M, Seo JH, Aerts M, Zajacz Z & Heinrich CA
(2007) Mass Transfer during Volatile Exsolution in Magmatic Systems: Insights from the Analyses of Silicate Melt and Magmatic Fluid Inclusions
Zajacz Z, Halter W, Pettke T & Guillong M
(2007) Melt/wallrock Interaction Shown by Silicate Melt Inclusions in Peridotite Xenoliths from Pannonian Basin
Hidas K, Szabó C, Guzmics T, Bali E, Zajacz Z & Kovács I
(2007) Apatite- and K Feldspar-Hosted Primary Carbonatite Melt Inclusions from Mantle Xenoliths, Hungary
Guzmics T, Zajacz Z, Szabó C & Halter W
(2006) Determination of fluid/melt partition coefficients by LA-ICPMS analysis of co-existing fluid and silicate melt inclusions
Zajacz Z, Halter W, Pettke T & Guillong M
(2004) Petrogenesis of Cumulate Xenoliths from Nógrád-Gömör Volcanic Field: Results from Olivine Hosted Melt Inclusions
Zajacz Z, Kovács I, Szabó C, Halter W & Pettke T