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All abstracts by Melanie Beck in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2011) Seasonal and Tidal Variations of Dissolved Thallium in Coastal Waters
Böning P, Beck M, Schnetger B & Brumsack H-J

(2009) Fluxes of Pore Waters Which Transport Metals and Nutrients to the German Wadden Sea
Moore W, Beck M, Reidel T, van der Loeff MR, Dellwig O, Shaw TJ & Brumsack H-J

(2009) Manganese and Molybdenum: Biogeochemical Tracers for Dynamics of Benthic-Pelagic Coupling in Temperate Tidal Systems
Kowalski N, Dellwig O, Beck M, Grunwald M, Lemke A, Dürselen CD, Brumsack H-J, van Beusekom JEE & Böttcher ME

(2008) Biogeochemistry of Advective Tidal Flat Porewaters
Riedel T, Beck M, Lettmann K & Brumsack HJ

(2007) Non-Conservative Behaviour of Molybdenum in Coastal Waters
Dellwig O, Beck M, Lemke A, Lunau M, Kolditz K, Schnetger B & Brumsack H-J

(2007) Biogeochemistry of Advective Intertidal Sediments
Beck M, Dellwig O, Grunwald M & Brumsack H-J

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