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All abstracts by Norikatsu Akizawa in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Magmatic and Tectonic Processes Recorded by Mantle Rocks of the Taitao Ophiolite (6 Myr), Southern Chile
Schilling ME, Plissart G, Akizawa N, Lin K-Y, Corgne A, Alvear M, González EJ, Marín C, Walker RJ, Anma R, Warren JM, Ishikawa A, Prigent C, González VE, Rivera A, Martínez FA, Donoso NF & González-Jiménez JM

(2022) Thermal Structure of Oceanic Lithosphere Constrained from the Petit-Spot Mantle Xenoliths
Niwa Y, Ishikawa A & Akizawa N

(2021) Geochemical Structure of the Oldest Pacific Lithosphere
Mikuni K, Hirano N, Akizawa N, Machida S, Tamura A & Morishita T

(2020) A Peridotite Xenolith from Garnet-Stability Field beneath Aitutaki: An Implication for Small-Scale Convection
Akizawa N, Ozawa K, Wallis S, Tamura A, Ishikawa A & Kogiso T

(2017) Re-Os and Highly Siderophile Element Systematics of Peridotite Xenoliths from Hawaii
Ishikawa A, Akizawa N, Kogiso T & Suzuki K

(2016) Formation of Lowermost Oceanic Crust: A Microstructural and Geochemical Study of Troctolites from IODP Site U1415 (Hess Deep)
Akizawa N, Godard M, Ildefonse B & Arai S

(2016) Origin of Orthpyroxene in Primitive Gabbros Generated at East Pacific Rise
Chatterjee S, Python M, Godard M & Akizawa N

(2015) Trace Element Budget along a Section of Fast-Spread Oceanic Crust: Results from Drilling at the Hess Deep Rift (ODP Leg 147 and IODP Expedition 345)
Godard M, Falloon T, Gillis K, Akizawa N, Koepke J, Marks N, Saha A, Garbe-Schonberg D & Meyer R

(2013) Diversity of Melts Migration Process within the Uppermost Mantle along a Mid-Ocean Ridge: An Example from the Northern Oman Ophiolite
Akizawa N, Arai S, Tamura A & Ozawa K

(2011) Growth-Zoned Chromian Spinel in Rodingite: Evidence for Cr Mobility in Hydrothermal Solution
Akizawa N, Arai S, Tamura A & Uesugi J

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