All abstracts by Matthieu Gounelle in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2024) Revisiting Martensite Formation and its Consequences in Iron MeteoritesDanoix R, Danoix F, Gattacceca J, Maurel C, Gounelle M & Roskosz M
(2023) Ammonium is a Significant Reservoir of Nitrogen in the Orgueil Meteorite
Laize-Générat L, Soussaintjean L, Poch O, Bonal L, Savarino J, Caillon N, Ginot P, Vella A, Flandinet L, Gounelle M & Bizzarro M
(2023) Nanoscale Analysis of Siderites: Insights into the Low Temperature FeNi Phase Diagram
Danoix F, Danoix R, Cuvilly F, Gattacceca J, Maurel C, Roskosz M & Gounelle M
(2023) Constraining the Meteorite Flux on Earth during the Last 2 Ma
Sadaka C, Gattacceca J, Dumas F, Kuzina D, Braucher R & Gounelle M
(2017) European Sample Return Missions and the Curation in Europe of Material Returned from Space
Russell S, Smith C, Hutzler A, Meneghin A, Brucato J, Ferriere L, Gounelle M, Westall F, Berthoud L & Grady M
(2017) From Prodigies to Meteorites (1492-1803)
Gounelle M
(2009) Metal and Sulfide Origin in Eucrite and Diogenite
Gounelle M & Alard O
(2009) Astronomical Oxygen Isotopic Evidence for Supernova Pollution of the Solar System Birth Environment
Young E, Gounelle M, Smith R, Morris M & Pontoppidan K
(2004) Fe-Isotope Composition of Pallasites
Mullane E, Russell S, Gounelle M & Mason T
(2003) Magmatic & Impact Processing on the HED Parent Body: Effects on Iron Isotope Signatures
Mullane E, Russell S, Gounelle M & Mason T
(2002) Iron Isotope Fractionation in an Archaean BIF Sample Suite
Mullane E, Herrington RJ, Russell SS, Gounelle M, Weiss D & Coles B
(2002) REEs in Al-Rich Chondrules: Clues to their Origin
Russell S, Gounelle M, Jeffries T & Alard O
(2002) Was 26Al a Chronometer or Heat Source in the Early Solar System?
Ash R, Russell S, Gounelle M, Young E & Belshaw N
(2002) On Early Solar System Chronology
Gounelle M & Russell S