All abstracts by Luca Bindi in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2023) Serpentinization and Reduction of Phosphate to Phosphite in the EnvironmentPasek MA & Bindi L
(2022) Cylindrical Whiskers of Merelaniite Give Re-Os Minimum Age for Close of Pan African Deformation, Merelani Tanzanite Deposit, Tanzania
Hannah J, Stein H, Zimmerman A, Bindi L & Jaszczak JA
(2019) Occurrence of Rare Phosphides in Ophiolitic Chromitites from Greece and Russia
Zaccarini F, Ifandi E, Sideridis A, Tsikouras B, Grammatikopoulos T, Garuti G, Pushkarev E, Bindi L, Mauro D & Stanley C
(2019) Experimental Study of the MgSiO3–MgTiO3 (±Al2O3) System at 10–24 GPa and 1600℃
Matrosova E, Bobrov A, Bindi L & Irifune T
(2019) Minor Elements in Bridgmanite: Review of Experimental Data
Bobrov A, Bindi L, Matrosova E, Tamarova A & Irifune T
(2017) Ti-Rich Phases in the MgO–SiO2–TiO2 System at 10–24 GPa:composition, Solid Solutions, and Structural Features
Sirotkina E, Bobrov A, Bindi L & Irifune T
(2016) Na-Bearing Phases in the Deep Transition Zone and Lower Mantle: Composition, Structural Features and Na Transport to the Deep Earth
Tamarova A, Bindi L, Bobrov A, Sirotkina E, Tschauner O, Walter M & Irifune T
(2015) Merwinite as a Host of Alkalis in the Mantle: Synthesis and X-Ray Characterization
Bindi L & Safonov O
(2014) Cr-Rich Phases in the MgO-SiO2-Cr2O3 System at 10-25 GPa: Composition, Solid Solutions, and Structural Features
Sirotkina E, Bindi L, Bobrov A & Irifune T
(2014) High-Pressure Behavior of Synthetic Na0.884Fe2+0.199Mg0.475Si2.442O6 Clinopyroxene
Bobrov A, Bykov M, Bykova E, Dubrovinsky L & Bindi L
(2013) Natural Cu-Al-Fe Metallic Quasicrystals in the New CV3 Meteorite Find, Khatyrka
Hollister L, Andronicos C, Bindi L, Distler V, Eddy M, Eiler J, Guan Y, Kostin A, Kryachko V, MacPherson G, Steinhardt W, Yudovskaya M & Steinhardt P
(2013) High-Pressure Stability of Synthetic Al<sub>63</sub>Cu<sub>24</sub>Fe<sub>13</sub> Icosahedral Quasicrystal
Stagno V, Bindi L, Murphy C, Fei Y & Steinhardt P
(2011) Na-Bearing Majoritic Garnets in the System Mg3Al2Si5O12–Na2MgSi5O12 at 11−20 GPa: Solid Solutions and Structural Peculiarities
Bobrov A, Dymshits A, Bindi L, Litasov K, Shatskiy A, Ohtani E & Litvin Y
(2008) Cl-Rich Phlogopite-Celadonite Mica: Synthesis, X-Ray Study, and Petrological Implication
Nazzareni S, Safonov O, Comodi P & Bindi L