All abstracts by Madalyn Blondes in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2022) Dissolved Organic Matter Fluorescence within Oil and Gas Produced Water from U.S. Unconventional Petroleum Plays: Comparisons and Consequences for Beneficial ReuseMcDevitt B, Jubb AM, Varonka M, Hackley PC, Blondes M, Engle M, Gallegos T & Shelton J
(2021) Applying Machine Learning Models to Predict Basin of Origin for Produced Waters Using Major Ion Chemistry
Shelton J, Jubb AM, Saxe S, Attanasi E, Milkov A, Engle M, Freeman P, Shaffer C & Blondes M
(2021) Optimizing Radium Removal from Produced Water Utilizing the Sr/Ba Molar Ratio and Precipitate Seeding
McDevitt B, Gallegos T, Blondes M, Shelton J, McAleer R, Valentine B, Varonka M, Jolly G, Jubb AM, Jackson J & Chenault J
(2020) Temporal Geochemical and Microbiological Characterization of Flowback and Produced Waters from Mature and Time-Series Wells, Niobrara Formation, Colorado USA
Shelton J, Amundson K, Chenault J, Jubb A, Wilkins M, Blondes M & DeVera C
(2020) Potential Pb Mobilization, Transport, and Sequestration in Shallow Sandstone Aquifers Impacted by CO2 Leakage: A Natural Analogue Study from the Virgin River Basin, Southwestern Utah
Plampin M, Blondes M & Sonnenthal E
(2011) What Defines a Saline Aquifer for CO2 Injection?
Blondes M & Corum M
(2010) Slow Cooling in the Lowermost Crust of a Continent-Continent Collision: Evidence from Accessory Phase U-Pb Thermochronology of Deep Crustal Xenoliths from the Mozambique Belt, Tanzania
Blondes M, Rudnick R, Ramezani J, Piccoli P & Bowring S
(2007) Fo 99.8 Olivine in Basalts: Assimilation of Meta-Serpentinites or Oxidation of Magmatic Phenocrysts?
Blondes M, Brandon M, Reiners P, Kita N, Page FZ & Valley J
(2006) Dating Young Basalt Eruptions by (U-Th)/He on Xenolithic Zircons
Blondes M, Reiners P, Edwards B & Biscontini A
(2005) Systematic Geochemical Variations in Single Eruptions of Primitive Basalts: Tectonic Implications
Blondes M & Reiners P