All abstracts by Alex Blum in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2014) Arsenic Chemistry, Mineralogy, Speciation, and Bioavailability/Bioaccessibilty in Soils and Mine Waste from the Empire Mine, CA, USAFoster A, Alpers C, Burlak T, Blum A, Petersen E, Basta N, Whitacre S, Casteel S, Kim C & Brown A
(2014) Trace Element Accumulation in Schwertmannite-Rich Precipitate in a Pipeline Carying Acid Mine Drainage at Iron Mountain Mine, CA, USA
Campbell K, Alpers C, Blum A, Nordstrom K & Williams A
(2013) Linking Soil Chemistry, Treeline Shifts and Climate Change: A Scenario
Mavris C, Anderson S, Egli M, Blum A, Furrer G & Dahms D
(2013) Mining, Microbes, and Models: Integrating Microbial Fe(II) Oxidation, Hydrolysis, Precipitation, and Biogeochemical Modeling, with Application to Acid Mine Drainage at Iron Mountain
Campbell K, Alpers C, Nordstrom K, Blum A & Hay M
(2012) Probing the Deep Critical Zone beneath the Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico
Buss H, Brantley S, Scatena F, Schulz M, White A, Blum A & Jiminez R
(2011) Long-Term Versus Short-Term Weathering Fluxes in Contrasting Lithologies at the Luquillo Critical Zone Observatory, Puerto Rico
Buss H, White A, Blum A, Schulz M & Vivit D
(2010) Mineral Nutrient Profiles on Differing Lithologies at Three Tropical Critical Zone Sites
Buss H, Dessert C, Gaillardet J, White A, Vivit D & Blum A
(2010) Slope Aspect and Weathering in the Colorado Front Range
Anderson S, Blum A, Hinckley E-L, Lee J, Gilbert R, Trotta J & Dethier D
(2008) Transformations Across the Bedrock/Saprolite – Regolith Boundary
Riggins S, Anderson S & Blum A
(2008) Mineral Weathering in a Deep Volcaniclastic Saprolite, Luquillo Mountains, Puerto Rico
Buss H, White A, Vivit D, Blum A, Dessert C & Gaillardet J
(2007) What the Evolution of Soil Profiles Tell Us About Weathering Rates
White A, Schulz M, Blum A & Vivit D
(2006) Deciphering Chemical Fluxes and Reaction Rates from Regolith Weathering Profiles
White AF, Schulz MS, Vivit DV, Stonestrom DA & Blum AE
(2005) Weathering within Soils Developed on a Chronosequence of Glacial Moraines in the French Alps
Blum A & Hellmann R
(2004) A New Hypothesis for the Slow Feldspar Dissolution in Groundwater Aquifers
Zhu C, Blum A & Veblen D
(2004) Initial Results Describing the Scales of Contempory and Geologic Weathering on Marine Terraces, Santa Cruz, California, USA
White A, Schulz M, Vivit D, Bullen T & Blum A
(2000) A Model Describing Differential Rates of Feldspar Weathering in Granitic Regoliths
White A, Bullen T, Schulz M, Blum A, Huntington T & Peters N