All abstracts by Jean-Louis Bodinier in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2023) Magmatic and Hydrothermal Processes in the Mesozoic Alkaline Intrusions, Central High Atlas (Morocco): Petrography, Mineralogy, and GeochemistryAhechach Y, Ouabid M, Raji O, Parat F, Dautria J-M, Bodinier J-L, Ouali H & El Messbahi H
(2023) Early-Diagenesis Carbonation of Biogenic Apatite: The Pathway for the Past-Seawater REE Conservative Uptake
Bonnet C, Munoz M, Mathon O, Parat F & Bodinier J-L
(2023) Refining the Stratigraphy of the Moroccan Phosphate-Bearing Sequences: Insights from the U-Pb Dating and ∂13C Chemostratigraphy
Aubineau J, Parat F, Poujol M, Pierson-Wickmann A-C, Chi Fru E, Séranne M, El Bamiki R, Elghali A, Raji O, Munoz M, Jourani E-S, Yazami OK & Bodinier J-L
(2023) Geochemical Constraints on the Genesis of Apatite Ores from Mesozoic Alkaline Intrusive Complexes, Central High-Atlas (Morocco)
Ouabid M, Raji O, Dautria J-M, Bodinier J-L, Parat F, El Messbahi H, Garrido CJ & Ahechach Y
(2020) Twihinate-Lamlaga Cretaceous Carbonatites and Related REE, Nb and Apatite Deposits in the Reguibat Shield (Dakhla Province, Morocco)
Malainine CE, Ouabid M, Bodinier J-L, Parat F, Raji O, Dautria J-M, Youbi N, Boumehdi MA & J. Garrido C
(2019) A Window into Neoproterozoic Mantle Evolution: Insights from Serpentinites in the Tuareg Shield, North Africa
Ouadahi S, Bodinier J-L, Bendaoud A, Dautria J-M, Vauchez A & Fettous E-H
(2019) Immiscibility and Hybridization during Progressive Cooling of Carbonatite and Alkaline Magmas (In Ouzzal Terrane, Western Hoggar)
Djeddi A, Parat F, Bodinier J-L & Ouzegane K
(2017) REE-Enrichment in Apatite-Britholite Exsolutions in Carbonatite (In Ouzzal Terrane, Hoggar, South Algeria)
Djeddi A, Parat F, Ouzegane K & Bodinier J-L
(2016) Deformation, Metasomatism and Melt-Rock Reactions in the Lithospheric Mantle beneath the Hoggar Swell (Algeria): Mantle Xenoliths from the Tahalgha, Eggéré and Manzaz Districts
Kourim F, Bodinier J-L, Alard O, Vauchez A & Basscou J
(2015) Refertilization of the Subcontinental Lithospheric Mantle: The Record of Orogenic Peridotites
Garrido CJ, Varas-Reus MI, Bodinier J-L, Marchesi C & Hidas K
(2013) Heterogeneity and Anisotropy in the Lithospheric Mantle
Tommasi A, Baptiste V, Frets E, Higgie K, Soustelle V, Le Roux V, David M, Vauchez A, Garrido C & Bodinier J-L
(2013) Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Interactions (Middle Atlas, Morroco): Geochemical Highlights
Fernandez L, Bosch D, Elmessbahi H, Bodinier J-L, Dautria J-M & Verdoux P
(2009) Persistence of Mantle Lithospheric Re-Os Signature during Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Interaction: Insights from in situ Isotopic Analysis of Sulfides from the Ronda Peridotite (S. Spain)
Marchesi C, Griffin WL, Garrido CJ, Bodinier J-L, O'Reilly SY & Pearson NJ
(2009) Mantle Heterogeneity Records by Xenoliths beneath In Teria (SE Algeria)
Kaczmarek M-A, Alard O, Bodinier J-L, Bosch D, Dautria J-M & Tommasi A
(2008) Evolution of Arc-Magmas during their Transfer Through the Lower Crust
Bouilhol P, Burg J-P, Schmidt MW, Bodinier J-L, Dawood H & Hussain S
(2008) Accessory Minerals as Petrogenetic Tracers: Insights from in situ Analyses
Bosch D, Garrido C, Bruguier O, Dhuime B, Bodinier J-L & Galland B
(2008) Isotopic Systematic of the In’Teria Lithospheric Mantle (Hoggar, SE Algeria)
Kaczmarek M-A, Bosch D, Alard O, Dautria J-M & Bodinier J-L
(2008) How Primitive is the “Primitive” Mantle?
Alard O, Le Roux V, Bodinier J-L, Lorand J-P, Griffin WL & O'Reilly SY
(2007) Insights into Refertilization Processes in Lithospheric Mantle from Integrated Isotopic Studies in the Lherz Massif
Le Roux V, Bodinier J-L, Alard O, Wieland P & O'Reilly SY
(2007) A Reappraisal of the Petrology and Origins of the Lherz Peridotite
Riches A, Rogers N, Charlier B & Bodinier J-L
(2007) Pinpointing the Temporal Evolution of an Intra-Oceanic Arc System: The Case of the Kohistan Arc Complex
Bosch D, Dhuime B, Garrido C, Bruguier O, Bodinier J-L, Hussain S & Dawood H
(2006) Cu-Zn isotopic variations in the Earth’s mantle
Ben Othman D, Luck JM, Bodinier JL, Arndt NT & Albarede F
(2003) Spatial Variation of Trace Element Abundances in Clinopyroxenes from the Layered Orogenic Lherzolite (Horoman Peridotite, Japan): Implications for Melt Flow and Reaction in the Upper Mantle
Takazawa E, Frey F, Shimizu N, Obata M & Bodinier J
(2002) Nb/Ta Geochemical Reservoirs
Bodinier J-L, Kalfoun F, Godard M, Barsczus HG & Sabaté P
(2002) Melt Freezing at the Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Interface: Geochemical Evidence from the Oman Peridotites
Godard M, Gerbert-Gaillard L & Bodinier J-L
(2001) Pervasive Circulation of Small Melt Fractions in Lithospheric Mantle: Constraints from Highly Incompatible Element Enrichment in Mantle Rocks and Numerical Simulation of (Reactive) Porous Flow
Bodinier J-L
(2000) Os Isotopic and PGE Results from Spinel Peridotites of the East African Rift
Reisberg L, Lorand J, Bedini RM & Bodinier J
(2000) Sr and Nd Isotope Decoupling in the Mantle by Melt Percolation Metasomatism: Evidence from Peridotite Xenoliths from Spitsbergen
Ionov D, Mukasa S & Bodinier J