All abstracts by Jp Brandenburg in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2010) Generation of Mantle Heterogeneity by Ocean Crust Recycling: Geophysical and Geochemical Constraintsvan Keken P, Hauri E, Brandenburg J & Ballentine C
(2009) A Multiple-System Study of the Geochemical Evolution of the Mantle with Force-Balanced Plates and Thermo-Chemical Effects
Brandenburg J, Hauri E, van Keken P & Ballentine C
(2007) What Comes Around Goes Around: Mantle Convection and the Meaning of Mantle Isochrons
Hauri E, Brandenburg J & Van Keken P
(2007) Seawater Recycling into the Deep Mantle – And the Source of 3He?
Ballentine C, Brandenburg J, Van Keken P & Holland G