All abstracts by Arnaud Brayard in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2021) A Positive Iron Isotope Excursion Recorded in Micropyrites at the Smithian-Spathian (Early Triassic) BoundaryDecraene M-N, Marin-Carbonne J, Thomazo C, Bouvier A-S, Brayard A & Olivier N
(2021) Climate, Tectonic and Weathering: New Insights from Combined Hf and Nd Isotopic Composition of Clays
Pucéat E, Freslon N, Corentin P, Marlot L, Pellenard P, Brayard A, Guiraud M, Adatte T & Bayon G
(2019) Simulating the Combined Response of Climate, Carbon Cycle and Marine Biodiversity Through a LIP Degassing
Hennequin S, Goddéris Y, Le Hir G, Fluteau F & Brayard A
(2018) Simulating the Coupled Response of the Carbon Cycle, Climate and Oceanic Biodiversity to the Onset of the Siberian Traps
Hennequin S, Godderis Y, Le Hir G, Fluteau F, Brayard A, Donnadieu Y, Maffre P & Nardin E
(2017) Multiple Sulfur Isotope Signals Associated with the End-Permian Mass Extinction Recovery
Thomazo C, Elmeknassi S, Brayard A, Vennin Z, Olivier N, Escarguel G, Bylund KG, Sansjofre P, Killingworth B & Cartigny P
(2015) Paired Carbon Isotopes Study of the Early Triassic Smithian-Spathian Boundary Event
Thomazo C, Bour I, Vennin E, Brayard A, Mathieu O, Olivier N, Escarguel G, Bylund K, Jenks J, Stephen D & Fara E
(2015) Factors Controlling Development of Microbialites in Past and Ancient Environments
Vennin E, Bouton A, Raphaël B, Pace A, Brayard A, Olivier N, Thomazo C, Visscher P, Dupraz C & Désaubliaux G
(2015) Distribution and Morphologies of Modern Microbialites of the Great Salt Lake, Utah, USA
Bouton A, Vennin E, Pace A, Bourillot R, Thomazo C, Visscher P, Dupraz C, Boulle J, Désaubliaux G & Brayard A
(2008) Tracing Magmatic Sources of Ash Beds in the Late Permian to Middle Triassic Nanpanjiang Basin (South China): Insights from Hf Isotopes on Zircons from Volcanic Ash Beds
Ovtcharova M, Bucher H, Galfetti T, Schaltegger U, Brayard A, Goudemand N & Stracke A