All abstracts by Fabrice Brunet in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2022) Cr and Fe Behavior during Hydrothermal Alteration of Chromitites in the Sabzevar Ophiolite (NE Iran): Chemical and Nano-Textural CharacterizationEslami A, Malvoisin B & Brunet F
(2021) Multi-Stage Hydrothermal Alteration of Chromium Spinels from the Sabzevar Ophiolite (SE Iran)
Eslami A, Malvoisin B, Brunet F, Kananian A, Bach W, Grieco G, Cavallo A & Gatta D
(2021) Development and Calibration of a New Method Geo-Chronometric (U-Th-Sm)/He on Magnetite and Spinel in Ultrabasic Rocks
Corre M, Agranier A, Lanson M, Schwartz S, Brunet F & Gautheron CE
(2021) Ferrobrucite Synthesis and Reactivity Under Hydrothermal Conditions Below 150℃
Carlin W, Malvoisin B, Brunet F, Lanson B, Findling N, Lanson M, Fargetton T, Jeannin L & Lhote O
(2017) Redox Transfer by Iron- and Sulfur-Bearing Serpentinite Dehydration in Subduction Zones
Merkulova M, Munoz M, Brunet F, Vidal O, Hattori K, Vantelon D, Trcera N & Huthwelker T
(2015) Formation of Reduced Carbon Compounds Using Natural Catalysts in Hydrothermal Experiments
Martinez I, Vacquand C, Vigier de Oliveira K, Audemar M, Recham N & Brunet F
(2015) The Behavior of Fe and S during Serpentinite Dehydration
Merkulova M, Munoz M, Vidal O & Brunet F
(2015) Generation of Condensed Carbon from Serpentinization Fluids
Milesi V, Guyot F, Brunet F, Richard L, Prinzhofer A, Benedetti M & McCollom T
(2015) Ce(III) and Ce(IV) Distribution and Fractionation during Lateritisation: Insights from XRF/ XAS
Janots E, Bernier F, Brunet F, Muñoz M, Trcera N, Berger A & Lanson M
(2013) Unconventional Generation of Hydrocarbons in Petroleum Basin: The Role of Siderite/Water Interface
Milesi V, Prinzhofer A, Guyot F, Brunet F, Richard L, Dairou J & Benedetti M
(2013) REE Microdistribution in Laterite from Madagascar
Janots E, Brunet F, Berger A, Bernier F, Munoz M, Lanson M, Trcera N & Gnos E
(2013) Transformational Faulting in High Pressure Polymorphs – Two Case Studies in Quartz and Olivine
Schubnel A, Brunet F, Hilairet N, Gasc J, Wang Y & Green HWI
(2013) Metamorphic and Magmatic Overprint of Garnet Pyroxenites from the Beni Bousera Massif (Northern Morocco): Mineralogical, Chemical and Textural Records
El Atrassi F, Brunet F, Chazot G & Chopin C
(2012) Feedback Effects of Clay Minerals Formation on the Kinetics and Mechanisms of Olivine Carbonation within Tholeiitic Basalt
Sissmann O, Daval D, Martinez I, Brunet F, Verlaguet A, Pinquier Y & Guyot F
(2011) Effects of Organic Ligands and Temperature on the Kinetics and Mechanisms of Olivine Carbonation
Sissmann O, Daval D, Martinez I, Brunet F, Findling N & Guyot F
(2009) Grain Boundary Diffusion Rates Dependence Upon Water Activity in High Pressure Experiments
Gasc J, Brunet F, Corvisier J, Verlaguet A, Findling N & Lathe C
(2009) A New Thermodynamic Model for C-S-H Solubility Valid in the Range of P-T Conditions Encountered Around CO2-injection Wells
Corvisier J, Brunet F, Morales-Florez V & Goffé B
(2009) Calcium Carbonates Distribution in Experimentally Carbonated Portland Cement Cores
Brunet F, Corvisier J, Fabbri A, Bernard S, Findling N, Rimmelé G, Barlet-Gouédard V, Beyssac O & Goffé B
(2007) Thermodynamic Properties and Stability of the High-Pressure Silicate Ellenbergerite in Natural Systems
Burchard M, Chopin C & Brunet F
(2005) Natural and Thermochemical Stability of Monazite in Low-Grade Metapelites
Goffe B, Janots E, Brunet F, Bollinger L, Grevel K, Cemic L & Negro F
(2005) D<+>13<$>C Tracing of Dissolved Inorganic Carbon Sources in Major World Rivers
Probst JL & Brunet F
(2005) Thermochemical and Experimental Stability of Synthetic La-Bearing Minerals as Analogues to Nuclear-Waste Forms
Janots E, Brunet F, Goffé B & Poinssot C
(2003) Minor Elements, HREE and δ18O Distribution in UHPGarnets from the Dora-Maira Massif (Western Alps): Evidence for Gneiss and Mg-Quartzite Interaction at UHP?
Brunet F, Chazot G, Burchard M, Vielzeuf D & Chopin C
(2003) Stability of La-Bearing Minerals in Metapelites from the Frederico Unit (Internal Rif, Morocco) and from the Lesser Himalayas (Western Nepal): Textural and Thermochemical Constraints
Janots E, Bollinger L, Brunet F, Burchard M, Goffe B & Bouybaouène M
(2003) Effect of Temperature Variations on Mass Transfer in Fluid-Rich Metamorphic Systems: An Experimental Study
Verlaguet A, Goffe B, Brunet F & Fritz B