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All abstracts by Hisami Suga in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) The Carnian-Norian of the Paleo-Antarctic Circle (Tasmania): Understanding the Environmental Changes Through Multi-Proxy Analysis
Ghoshal I, Al Suwaidi A, Fox CP, Lestari WA, Ohkouchi N, Ogawa NO & Suga H

(2018) Gas Hydrate Formation Assciated with Migration of Deep Sourced Fluid in the Krishna–Godavari Basin, Eastern Continental Margin of India
Ijiri A, Haraguchi S, Jiménez-Espejo F, Komai N, Suga H, Masataka M, Inagaki F & Yamada Y

(2016) Compound-Specific 14C Dating of IODP Expedition 318 Core U1357A Obtained off East Antarctica
Yamane M, Yokoyama Y, Miyairi Y, Suga H, Matsuzaki H, Dunbar R & Ohkouchi N

(2016) Nitrogen Isotope of Chloropigments in the Nitrogen Cycle in the Ocean
Ogawa NO, Yoshikawa C, Suga H, Makabe A, Matsui Y, Yoshida O, Kawagucci S, Fujiki T, Harada N & Ohkouchi N

(2016) Meteoric 10Be and Compound Specifc 14C Revealed Timing of Colossal Antarctic Ice-Shelf Collapse
Yokoyama Y, Anderson J, Yamane M, Simkins L, Miyairi Y, Yamazaki T, Koizumi M, Suga H, Kusahara K, Prothro L, Hasumi H, Southon J & Ohkouchi N

(2015) A Preliminary Report of Radiocarbon Dating of Fatty Acids and Pheopigments from the Japan Sea Sediments
Amekawa S, Yokoyama Y, Suga H, Miyairi Y, Yamane M & Ohkouchi N

(2014) Development of a New Proxy for Past Terrestrial Nitrogen Cycles from Chlorophyll Degradation Products in Soil
Enders S, Houlton B, Freeman K, Ohkouchi N, Chikaraishi Y, Ogawa N & Suga H

(2006) Nitrogen and carbon isotopic analyses on sedimentary porphyrins of organic-rich shales from Miocene and mid-Cretaceous
Kashiyama Y, Ogawa NO, Chikaraishi Y, Suga H, Tada R, Kitazato H & Ohkouchi N

(2003) Formational Processes of Sedimentary Micro-Structure in Meromictic Lake Kaiike Sediments, Japan
Oguri K, Hirano S, Sakai S, Nakajima Y, Suga H & Sakamoto T

(2003) Biogeochemical Implications of Carbon Isotopic Compositions of Sedimentary Biomarkers from a Meromictic Lake
Matsumoto K, Suga H, Ogawa N, Kitazato H & Ohkouchi N

(2003) Distribution of Chloropigments in a Meromictic Lake, Lake Kaiike, Japan
Nakajima Y, Okada H, Oguri K, Suga H, Kitazato H & Ohkouchi N

(2003) High-Resolution Isotopic Record of Total Organic Carbon in Cretaceous Black Shales
Kuroda J, Tokuyama H, Ogawa N, Matsumoto K, Suga H & Ohkouchi N

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