All abstracts by Hidekazu Yoshida in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2024) Radiocarbon Dating of Holocene Carbonate Concretions in Nagoya and Shimizu Ports, Central JapanMinami M, Yoshida H & Kuma R
(2016) Flow-Path Geometry in Accretionary Complex: Formation Process and its Longevity
Yoshida H, Ono T & Metcalfe R
(2006) Biogenic Fe-oxyhydroxide nodules encrusted iron-oxide bacteria in reducing sediments
Yoshida H, Yamamoto K, Murakami Y, Takeuchi M, Hotta Y & Matsuoka K
(2004) Biogenic Redox Front Formation: Symbiotic Activity of Metal Oxidizing and Reducing Bacteria in Sedimentary Sequence
Yoshida H, Koshi Y, Takeshi N, Murakami Y, Miyoshi T, Hoshii D & Kanekiyo A
(2003) Trace Element Analysis of Zircon and Garnet in Nijyo-San Rhyolite, SW Japan by LA-ICP-MS
Shinjoe H, Orihashi Y & Yoshida H
(2003) Geochemical Map of Aichi Prefecture, Central Part of Japan – Minor Elements
Tanaka T, Yamamoto K, Minami M, Mimura K, Asahara Y & Yoshida H
(2003) Geochemical Map of Aichi Prefecture, Central Part of Japan – Major Elements
Yamamoto K, Tanaka T, Minami M, Mimura K, Asahara Y & Yoshida H
(2003) Formation Mechanism and Elemental Migration of Redox Front Around the Fracture in Crystalline Rock
Akagawa F, Yamamoto K & Yoshida H
(2003) Long-Term Redox Front Formation: Influence of Biogenic Activity on Matrix Diffusion
Yoshida H, Yamamoto K, Yogo S, Milodowski A & Richard M
(2003) The New Mineral Species, Keilite, (Fe, Mg)S
Shimizu M, Yoshida H & Mandarino J
(2002) A HREE-Enriched Biogenic Ferric Redox Band in Tuffaceous Sedimentary Rock
Yamamoto K, Yoshida H, Yogo S, Tanaka S, Milodowski A & Metcalfe R
(2002) A Redox Front Migration Process in Sedimentary Rock – Long-Term Behavior of Nuclide Migration Relevant to Near-Field Processes in Radioactive Waste Disposal -
Yoshida H, Yamamoto K, Yogo S, Tanaka S, Milodowski A & Metcalfe R
(2000) A New Method for the Determination of Ce(III) / Ce(IV) Ratios in Rocks; Application to Weathering, Sedimentary, and Diagenetic Processes
Takahashi Y, Shimizu H, Kagi H, Yoshida H, Usui A & Nomura M