All abstracts by Marina Yudovskaya in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2019) PGE Enrichment of Quenched Sulfide Solid Solutions, Noril’sk 1, RussiaBrovchenko V, Sluzhenikin S, Kovalchuk E & Yudovskaya M
(2016) Paradigm Shifts in Understanding the Bushveld Complex
Kinnaird J, Yudovskaya M & Nex P
(2015) Mantle-Derived In Mineralization in the Erzgebirge and Kuril Island Arc
Seifert T, Chaplygin I, Yudovskaya M & Chaplygin O
(2015) Sphalerite as a Matrix for Noble, Non-Ferrous Metals and Semimetals: A EPMA and LA-ICP-MS Study of Synthetic Minerals
Tonkacheev D, Chareev D, Yudovskaya M, Minervina E & Tagirov B
(2013) Natural Cu-Al-Fe Metallic Quasicrystals in the New CV3 Meteorite Find, Khatyrka
Hollister L, Andronicos C, Bindi L, Distler V, Eddy M, Eiler J, Guan Y, Kostin A, Kryachko V, MacPherson G, Steinhardt W, Yudovskaya M & Steinhardt P
(2013) First Finding of Picrobasaltic Melts on Iturup Island, Kurile Island Arc
Chaplygin I, Solovova I & Yudovskaya M
(2005) Extreme Fractionation of REE and Some Transition Metals in the Natural High-Temperature Vapor Systems
Yudovskaya M, Distler V, Chaplygin I & Mokhov A
(2005) New Type of Rare-Metal Mineralization: Deposition of Metals in High-Temperature Vapor System of Kudriavy Volcano, Iturup Island, Kuriles, Russia
Chaplygin I, Safonov Y, Mozgova N & Yudovskaya M