All abstracts by Marc Alperin in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2018) Understanding the Isotopic Composition of Sedimentary SulfideJohnston DT, Masterson AL, Alperin M, Arnold GL, Berelson WM, Roy H & Jorgensen B
(2018) Using an Isotope, Reaction-Transport Model to Assess Controls on the Efficiency of Anaerobic Methane Oxidation in Baltic Sea Sediments
Lapham L, Alperin M, Fossing H, Ferdelman T, Brüchert V, Rehder G & Jørgensen BB
(2014) Variability in the Biological Potential of Serpentinizing Systems
Hoehler T, Som S, McCollom T, Cardace D, Schrenk M & Alperin M
(2012) Methane Biogeochemistry in Anoxic Marine Sediments: Insights from Reaction-Transport Models Applied to δ13C-Ch4 andδ13C-Tco2 Depth Distributions
Alperin M
(2009) Bioenergetics in Archaea/Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria Aggregates
Alperin M & Hoehler T
(2008) Habitability of Serpentinizng Systems for Methanogenic Microorganisms: An Energy Balance Model
Hoehler T, Alperin M, McCollom T & Rogers K