All abstracts by Christopher D. Charles in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2013) Glacial-Interglacial Changes in Ocean Carbonate Chemistry Constrained by Boron Isotopes, Trace Elements, and ModellingRae J, Adkins J, Foreman A, Charles C, Ridgwell A, Foster G, Schmidt D & Elliott T
(2013) Ice Age Carbon Dynamics of the Interior Atlantic Ocean Inferred from a Highly Resolved Sedimentary Depth Transect
Foreman A, Charles C, Rae J, Slowey N & Adkins J
(2012) Evaluating Meteorites Using LA-ICPMS: 'Lovina' Test Case
Charles C, McCausland PJA, Flemming RL & Davis DW
(2010) Mid-Holocene El Niño-Southern Oscillation Revisited
Cobb K, Sayani H, Charles C, Westphal N, Edwards L & Cheng H
(2009) ENSO Record in Mid-Late Holocene Fossil Corals from Line Islands – Forced Response or Internal Variability?
Westphal N, Charles CD, Cobb KM, Cheng H, Edwards RL & Haug GH
(2008) Fossil Coral Constraints on Tropical Pacific Temperature and Hydrology during the Last Millennium: Lessons and Updates
Cobb K, Charles C, Edwards RL & Cheng H
(2000) Tropical Climate Characteristics of the Last Millennium as Revealed by Splicing Fossil Corals from the Central Pacific
Cobb K, Charles C, Kastner M, Edwards L & Cheng H