All abstracts by Anne Cohen in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2016) Assessing the Impact of Anthropogenic N Deposition on the North Atlantic in the Anthropocene: Evidence from Bermuda CoralsWang X, Sigman D & Cohen A
(2013) Nitrogen Isotopes of Coral Skeleton-Bound Organic Matter: Proxy Evaluation at Bermuda
Wang X, Cohen A & Sigman D
(2013) Geochemical Windows on Coral Calcification: Cellular Mechanisms and Impacts of Climate Change
Cohen A, DeCarlo T, Gaetani G & Holcomb M
(2012) Clumped and Magnesium Isotopes in Corals: A Comparison with Traditional Paleothermometers
Saenger C, Thiagarajan N, Felis T, Lough J, Holcomb M, Gaetani G, Cohen A, Affek H & Wang Z
(2010) Effects of Diagenesis on Paleoclimate Reconstructions from Modern and Young Fossil Corals
Sayani H, Cobb K, Cohen A, Elliott WC, Nurhati I, Rose K & Zaunbrecher L
(2006) Compositional variability in the cold-water coral Lophelia pertusa is driven by temperature and aragonite precipitation “efficiency'
Cohen A & Gaetani G
(2006) Calculating paleotemperatures from the elemental composition of coral skeleton: A new approach to old proxies
Gaetani G & Cohen A
(2006) The impact of crystal growth rate on element ratios in aragonite: an experimental approach to understanding vital effects
Gabitov RI, Cohen AL, Gaetani GA, Holcomb M & Watson EB
(2004) The Skeletal Chemistry of Scleractinian Corals: A Window on Biomineralization
Cohen A
(2002) Sr/Ca in Symbiotic Corals is Linked to Light Enhanced Calcification
Cohen AL
(2002) Advantages of Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry for Trace Element Studies of Marine Biomineralization
Layne G & Cohen A