All abstracts by Thomas Breton in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2017) Disturbance of the Hf-W Systematics during Alteration ProcessesQuitté G, Fabre S, Breton T & Yin NH
(2017) A New Method for the Analysis of δ13C and δ18O of Dissolved Inorganic Carbon
Liorzou C, Sansjofre P, Breton T, Mandic M, Smajgj D & Lalonde S
(2015) Early Incipient Melting on Chondritic Parent Bodies
Quitté G, Breton T, Monnereau M & Toplis M
(2012) Improving 182Hf-182W Ages in Altered CR Chondrites
Breton T, Quitte G & Albarede F