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All abstracts by Jean Birks in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) High-Resolution Precipitation Sampling to Isotopically Evaluate the Impact of an Urban Environment on Precipitation
Carton C, Barbecot F, Helie J-F & Birks J

(2012) Hydrogeochemical Setting of the Northern Athabasca Oil Sands Area
Gibson J, Yi Y, Birks J, Moncur M, Fennell J & Tattrie K

(2012) Characterizing the Dissolved Organic Composition of Water in the Oilsands Region via FT-ICR MS
Yi Y, Han J, Birks J, Gibson J & Borchers C

(2012) Saline Groundwater Discharges in the Athabasca Oil Sands Region: A Chemical Mass Balance
Jasechko S, Gibson JJ, Birks SJ, Yi Y & Marandi A

(2012) Natural Sources of Uranium in Shallow Groundwater in Northeastern Alberta
Welsh B, Moncur M, Paktunc D, Thibault Y, Birks J, Wieser M & McKiernan B

(2010) Sulfur Cycling in a High-Sulfide Tailings Impoundment
Moncur M, Ptacek CJ, Mayer B, Blowes DW, Birks SJ & Gibson JJ

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