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All abstracts by Brian Cousens in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Geodynamic Significance of the Tachdamt Formation (Anti-Atlas, Morocco) and Its Correlation with the Munali-Magmatic-Event: Implications for a Large Igneous Province during the Early Stages of Rodinian Break-Up
Jabbour M, Ikenne M, Cousens B, Ernst RE, El Bilali H, Souhassou M & Bajaddi A

(2024) Classification, Mineralogical, and Geochemical Variations in Pegmatites of the Bas Draa Inlier, Westen Anti-Atlas, Morocco
Askkour F, Ikenne M, Cousens B, Ousbih M, Souhassou M, Sebbab MM, El Atillah A & Boumehdi MA

(2023) Geochemical and Nd Isotopes of Tachdamt and Bleida Formations (Bou-Azzer El-Grara Inlier – Central Anti-Atlas – Morocco) Evidence of a Neoproterozoic LIP during the Dislocation of Rodinia Supercontinent
Jabbour M, Ikenne M, Cousens B, Ernst RE, El Bilali H, Souhassou M & Bajaddi A

(2023) The Late Neoproterozoic LIP in the Northwestern Part of the West African Craton: Evidences from Stratigraphy, Geochronology, Geochemistry and Nd Isotopes of the Ouarzazate Group, Anti Atlas, Morocco
Ousbih M, Ikenne M, Cousens B, Chelle-Michou C, El Bilali H, Gaouzi A, Markovic S, Askkour F, Mouhajir M, el Mouden S, Youbi N & Ernst RE

(2023) Zircon U–Pb Ages, Geochemistry and Sr-Nd Isotopes of Sanukitoids, Two Mica and Hybrid Granites of Bas Draa Inlier, Western Anti-Atlas, Morocco
Askkour F, Ikenne M, Chelle-Michou C, Cousens B, Markovic S, Souhassou M, Ousbih M, El Bilali H & Ernst RE

(2022) Zircon U–Pb Ages and Geochemistry of Granitoids from the Central Massif of the Bas Draa Inlier (Western Anti-Atlas, Morocco)
Askkour F, Ikenne M, Chelle-Michou C, Cousens B, Souhassou M, Markovic S, Ousbih M, Gasquet D, El Bilali H & Ernst RE

(2022) Stratigraphy, Geochronology, Geochemistry and Nd Isotopes of the Late Ediacaran Ouarzazate Group Series from Eastern and Central Anti Atlas – (Morocco)
Ousbih M, Ikenne M, Cousens B, Chelle-Michou C, El Bilali H, Markovic S, Gaouzi A, Askkour F, Mouhajir M, el Mouden S, Youbi N & Ernst RE

(2022) A Revised Geodynamic Significance of the Tachdamt Bleida Series (Bou Azzer El Graara, Central Anti-Atlas, Morocco): Geochemistry and Sm-Nd Isotopes
Jabbour M, Ikenne M, Cousens B, Ernst RE, Souhassou M, Benhammou A & Bajaddi A

(2022) Petrology, Geochemistry and U-Pb Geochronology of Mafic and Ultramafic Rocks of NW Guyana, Guiana Shield, South America
Borba de Carvalho BM, Cousens B & Ernst RE

(2019) Colville and Kermadec Ridge Age and Geochemistry: New Insights into the proto-Kermadec Arc Petrogenesis and Arc Splitting, SW Pacific
Timm C, De Ronde C, Hoernle K, Cousens B, Wartho J-A, Hauff F & Caratori Tontini F

(2018) A Heterogeneous Rejuvenated Magma Source in Kauai and Niihau, Hawaii
Beguelin P, Bizimis M, McIntosh E, Cousens B & Clague D

(2017) The Shield-To-Rejuvenated Volcanism Transition in the Hawaiian Plume: Nd-Hf Isotope Systematics
Béguelin P, Bizimis M, McIntosh EC, Cousens B & Clague D

(2012) The Neoproterozoic Franklin Large Igneous Province, Geochemical and Isotopic Evidence for Changing Sources, and Linkages between Intrusive and Extrusive Components
Bedard J, Dell'Oro T, Weis D, Scoates J, Williamson N, Cousens B, Naslund H, Ben H, Hryciuk M, Boswell W & Charlie B

(2012) Barite Precipitation in Submarine Hydrothermal Vents: Insights from Sr-Isotope Ratios
Engelbert M, Jamieson J, Cousens B, Williamson N & Hannington M

(2012) Blatchford Lake Intrusive Suite, New Geochronology and Barometric Estimates: Implications for Mineralization
Mumford T & Cousens B

(2009) Carbonatite and Silicate Melt Metasomatism of Depleted Mantle Surrounding the Hawaiian Plume: Origin of Rejuvenated-Stage Lavas
Dixon J, Clague D & Cousens B

(2008) Volatiles and Trace Elements in Rejuvenated-Stage Lavas from Niihau, Hawaii: Evidence for Carbonatite Metasomatism
Dixon JE, Clague D, Cousens B & Monsalve ML

(2007) Geochemical Structure of the Hawaiian Plume: Inferences from Mahukona Volcano
Huang S, Abouchami W, Blichert-Toft J, Clague D, Cousens B & Frey F

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