All abstracts by Patrick Frings in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2021) Lithium Isotopes in Exchangeable and Silicate Fractions of Clay Sized Fluvial Sediments along a Climatic TransectGaviria-Lugo N, Läuchli C, Wittmann H, Bernhardt A, Sachse D & Frings P
(2019) Interpreting Silicon Isotopes in the Weathering Zone
Frings P, Oelze M, Frick D & von Blanckenburg F
(2017) Exploring the Use of Silicon Isotopes as a (Palaeo)weathering Proxy
Frings P, Oelze M & von Blanckenburg F
(2015) Silicon Cycling Across the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
Frings P, Fontorbe G & Conley D
(2013) Tracing Weathering and Reverse Weathering in Floodplains Using Si Isotopes and Ge/Si Ratios
Frings P, Struyf E, Gray W, de la Rocha C, Mormul R, Urrutia P, Ekström S & Conley DJ
(2012) Reverse Weathering in the Okavango Delta, Northern Botswana
Frings P, Conley D, Struyf E & Murray-Hudson M