All abstracts by Nancy Grosso in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2013) Understanding Biogeochemical Transformation and Mobilization of Hg from River Bank Soils: South River, VirginiaLazareva O, Sparks DL, Landis RC, Grosso NR, Collins J, Dyer JA, Ptacek C, Hicks S & Montgomery D
(2012) Stablization of Mercury in Riverbank Sediments of the South River, Virginia (U.S.A.)
Desrochers K, Ptacek C, Blowes D, Landis R, Dyer J, Berti W & Grosso N
(2012) Characterization of Hg Leaching from the Riverbank Sediments of the South River, VA
Paulson K, Desrochers K, Ptacek C, Blowes D, Gibson B, Landis R, Dyer J & Grosso N