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All abstracts by Joshua Curtice in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Seamount Nitrogen and Noble Gas Evidence for Subduction-Derived Volatiles in the East Pacific Rise Mantle
Anderson MK, Barry PH, Li K, Curtice J, Sinton J, Horton F, Le Roux V & Kurz MD

(2024) Deep Recycling of Nitrogen to the Plume Mantle Sources: Insights from Plume-Ridge Interaction at Reykjanes Ridge to Plume-Slab Interaction at Rochambeau Bank
Li K, Hudak MR, Barry PH, Broadley MW, Anderson MK, Krantz JA, Bekaert DV, Curtice J & Kurz MD

(2023) Olivine and Pyroxene-Hosted Fluid Inclusions Record High Arc Nitrogen Fluxes and Multiple Slab Sources
Hudak MR, Barry PH, Bekaert DV, Turner SJ, Walowski K, Nielsen SG, Curtice J, Tyne RL, Cahoon E, Wallace P & Muth MJ

(2023) Rapid 3He/4He Changes in Fagradalsfjall (Iceland) 2021 Lavas
Horton F, Marshall EW, Halldorsson SA, Barry PH, Curtice J & Kurz MD

(2022) 3He/4He >65 Times the Atmospheric Ratio Measured in Baffin Island Lavas: Evidence of Core-Mantle Exchange?
Horton F, Curtice J, Farley K, Kurz MD, Asimow P, Blusztajn J, Biasi J & Boyes X

(2022) Evolution of 3He/4He Ratios in the 2021 Cumbre Vieja Lavas
Cohen M, Horton F, Longpré M-A, Curtice J & Kurz MD

(2021) Characterization of Nitrogen Isotopes in Oceanic Basalts
Krantz JA, Bekaert DV, Curtice J & Barry PH

(2021) Volatile Element Composition of the Upper Mantle: Insights from Multi-Isotope Analyses of Mid-Atlantic Ridge Popping Rocks
Bekaert DV, Barry PH, Krantz JA, Curtice J, Seltzer AM, Blusztajn J & Kurz MD

(2020) Neon Isotopes Indicate that Baffin Island and Iceland Lavas Share a Common Origin
Horton F, Kurz M, Curtice J, Asimow P & Farley K

(2018) Interpreting Popping Rocks from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge Near 14°N
Jones M, Soule A, Kurz M, Wanless D, Brodsky H, Bendanda S, Schwartz D, Peron S, Klein F, Le Roux V, Mittelstaedt E, Fornari D & Curtice J

(2012) Noble Gas Distribution and Migration in the Oceanic Crust: New Results from ODP Hole 1256D
Kurz M, Curtice J & Lott D

(2011) Noble Gas Isotopic Compositions of Mantle Xenoliths in a Kimberlite
Yamamoto J, Kurz M, Ishibashi H & Curtice J

(2010) Subduction Related Signature in Noble Gas Isotopic Compositions of Mantle Peridotites
Yamamoto J, Kurz M, Curtice J, Arai S & Prikhod'ko V

(2009) Argon Isotopic Compositions of Deep Undegassed Mantle: New Constraints from the Western Galápagos
Kurz M, Yamamoto J, Curtice J, Lott D & Jenkins W

(2004) Helium and Neon from the Deep Earth: Submarine Galapagos Glasses and Global Correlations
Kurz M, Fornari D, Geist D, Curtice J & Lott D

(2002) Noble Gases from the Deep Mantle: New Evidence from Oceanic Volcanism
Kurz M, Curtice J, Lott Iii D, Fornari D & Geist D

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