All abstracts by Pierre Sansjofre in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2013) On the Reliability of Paired Carbon Isotope as a pCO2 Proxy in the Ediacarian Araras Platform, BrazilSansjofre P, Ader M, Trindade R & Nogueira A
(2013) A Multi-Proxy Record from a Late Neoproterozoic Volcano-Sedimentary Basin, Eastern Arabian Shield
Halverson G, Cox G, Hubert-Théou L, Schmitz M, Hagadorn J, Johnson P, Sansjofre P & Kunzmann M
(2012) The Ediacarian Nitrogen Isotope Conundrum
Ader M, Sansjofre P, Halverson G & Trindade R
(2012) Multiple Sulphur Isotope Evidence for an Oceanic Sulphate Concentration Decrease in the Marinoan Glaciation Aftermath
Sansjofre P, Cartigny P, Ader M, Trindade R & Nogueira A