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All abstracts by Karen V. Smit in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2020) Trace Elements of Rare CH4-bearing Fluids in Zimbabwe Diamonds
Smit KV, Pearson DG, Krebs MY & Woodland S

(2020) Age and Depth of Oceanic Slab-Derived Diamonds and the Formation of Archean Subcontinental Mantle
Shirey S & Smit K

(2019) Preservation of Archean Cratonic Mantle Below Grib Kimberlite (NW Russia) Through Proterozoic Rifting and Collision
Smit KV, Pearson DG, Shchukina EV & Woodland S

(2019) Isotopic Evidence for the Coupled Recycling of Carbon and Boron to Lower Mantle Depths
Regier ME, Chalk TB, Stern RA, Smit K, Smith EM, Stachel T, Foster GL, Bussweiler Y, Harris JW & Pearson DG

(2014) Complex Lithosphere Evolution in the Attawapiskat Area, Canada – A Tale of Craton Thinning and Re-growth
Smit K, Pearson G, Stachel T & Seller M

(2012) Formation of Eclogites and Pyroxenites Below Attawapiskat, Superior Craton (Canada)
Smit KV, Stachel T, Creaser RA, DuFrane SA, Ickert RB, Stern RA & Seller M

(2006) Trace element distribution amongst minerals of the Allalin Gabbro
Miller J & Smit K

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