All abstracts by Carli A. Arendt in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2023) High-Precision Zirconium Isotope Analysis of Pacific Seawater Reveals Large Mass-Dependent Fractionations in the OceanHuang L, Tissot FLH, Ibanez-Mejia M, Forsch KO, Arendt CA, Choy CA & Aarons SM
(2023) Elemental and Li Isotopic Investigation of a Proglacial River System Provides Insights to Modern Chemical Weathering Processes
Pappala VS, Liu X-M, Aarons SM & Arendt CA
(2015) Noble Gas Signatures in Greenland – Tracing Glacial Meltwater Sources
Niu Y, Castro MC, Aciego SM, Hall CM, Stevenson EI, Arendt CA & Das SB
(2013) Evolution of Subglacial Weathering Based on Multiple Isotopic Systems
Arendt C, Aciego S, Sims K, Hetland E & Stevenson E
(2013) Stable and Radiogenic Strontium Isotope Behaviour in the Subglacial Environment
Stevenson E, Aciego S, Parkinson I, Burton K & Arendt C