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All abstracts by Alessandro Bragagni in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Contamination Pathways and Remediation Strategies in a Thallium-Contaminated Geological Environment (Valdicastello Carducci Area, Tuscany, Italy)
Ferrari M, Bragagni A, Biagioni C, Schannor M, Gleissner P, Wombacher F, Conticelli S, Natali C & Tommasini S

(2023) Ruthenium Isotope Composition of the K-Pg Impactor and Terrestrial Impact Structures
Fischer-Gödde M, Tusch J, Goderis S, Bragagni A, Mohr-Westheide T, Messling N, Elfers B-M, Schmitz B, Reimold WU, Tissot FLH, Koeberl C, Claeys P, Maier W & Münker C

(2023) Tin Isotope Variations in Chondrites and Earth: Mass-Independent Isotope Fractionation and the 115In-115Sn Decay System
Bragagni A, Wombacher F, Kirchenbaur M, Braukmüller N & Münker C

(2021) Carbonatite Metasomatism of the Lithospheric Mantle as a Source for the High CO2 Degassing at Etna Volcano
Bragagni A, Mastroianni F, Avanzinelli R, Conticelli S & Münker C

(2020) High Precision 182W Systematics in European Intraplate Volcanic Rocks
Jansen M, Tusch J, Münker C, Bragagni A & Avanzinelli R

(2019) Extreme HFSE Fractionation in Italian Magmas: Metasomatism vs. Different Mantle Domains
Bragagni A, Mastroianni F, Avanzinelli R, Conticelli S & Münker C

(2017) The U-Series Evolution of Stromboli Volcano in the Last Century
Bragagni A, Avanzinelli R, Francalanci L & Elliott T

(2015) Platinum-Group Elements Fractionation by Selective Complexing
Helmy H, Ballhaus C, Fonseca R, Bragagni A & Heuser A

(2015) Highly Siderophile Elements and 187Os/188Os in Individual Sulfides by Isotope Dilution
Bragagni A, Fonseca ROC, van Acken D, Speelmanns IM, Heuser A & Luguet A

(2013) Evidence for Mantle Heterogeneity from Selenium-Tellurium Systematics in Peridotites
König S, Luguet A, Lorand J-P, Pearson DG & Bragagni A

(2013) Insight on Formation and Evolution of Cratonic Mantle: Re-Os Dating of Single Sulfides from Somerset Mantle Xenoliths (Rae Craton, Canada)
Bragagni A, Luguet A, Pearson DG, Fonseca ROC & Kjarsgaard BA

(2013) Linking Mantle Melting and Eruption Rates at Stromboli Volcano: A U-Series Perspective
Avanzinelli R, Bragagni A, Francalanci L, Freymuth H & Elliott T

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