All abstracts by Megan Y Andrews in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2014) Siderophore Production by Mn-Oxidizing FungiAndrews M, Holmström S, Santelli C & Duckworth O
(2012) Laboratory Mesocosm Experiments to Quantify Effects of Elevated CO2, Plant Evolution, and Mycorrhizal Status on Carbon Flux and Weathering
Andrews M, Leake J, Kakonyi G, Romero-Gonzalez M, Banwart S & Beerling D
(2011) Insight into Effects of Elevated CO2 and Soil Nutrient Levels on Biological Weathering at the Mesocosm Scale
Andrews MY, Leake JR, Banwart SA & Beerling DJ
(2010) Constraining Global-Scale Weathering Models Through Nano-Scale Ectomycorrhiza-Mineral Interactions
Bridge J, Bonneville S, Saccone L, Schmalenberger A, Duran A, Andrews M, Hardy K, Taylor L, Beerling D, Benning L, Leake J, McMaster T & Banwart S
(2010) Mesocosm-Scale Experimental Quantification of Plant Root-Fungal Associations on Carbon Fluxes and Mineral Weathering
Andrews M, Palmer B, Leake J, Banwart S & Beerling D
(2010) Co-evolution of Land Plants and Mycorrhizal Fungi as Biotic Feedbacks on the Long-Term Carbon Cycle
Beerling D, Andrews M, Quirk J, Palmer B, Banwart S & Leake J
(2009) Comparison of the Biogeochemical Influences of Angiosperm-Only, Gymnosperm-Only, and Mixed Forest Trees on Critical Zone Processes
Andrews MY, Ague JJ & Berner RA
(2008) Impact of Angiosperms and Gymnosperms on Chemical Weathering and Element Mobility
Andrews MY, Ague JJ & Berner RA
(2007) Trees and Weathering: Insights from Root-Mineral Contacts
Andrews M, Ague J & Berner R