Design: Alti Buchek
Alti Buchek (Hexagon)
This design illustrates Shirin receiving a portrait of Husrov, part of an epic love story found in Nizami's Hamza.
Design: Bahram Gur
Bahram Gur
The original Timruid manuscript for this rug is now in the Royal Asiatic Collection, London, and can be viewed in their catalogue.
Design: Benaki
This design is named after the only surviving Timurid carpet fragment we know about, currently on exhibit in the Benaki museum in Greece. As there is no border in the original fragment, we have woven it with a number of different classical Timurid borders.
Design: Ghuncha Gul
Ghuncha Gul (Blossom Flower)
This design comes from a door found in a madrassah now used by the Red Crescent.
Design: Humayan
This design comes from an earlier Timurid miniature, recording in lavish detail the wedding festivities of Humayan.
Design: Humayan
Design: Perda Gul
Perda Gul (Lattice Flower)
This design comes from the lattice design found in a door leading to the Khan's harem in the Stone Palace.
Design: Perda Gul
Design: Tolken
This design is based on tiles found on the walls of the Old Fortress couryard.
Goldschmidt Conference Archive: All abstracts by Jan-Hendrik May in conference series: Goldschmidt


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All abstracts by Jan-Hendrik May in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2016) Ancient Times of a Wetter Australia as Recorded by Speleothems of the Flinders Range, South Australia
Dosseto A, May J-H, Eggins S & Williams M

(2013) 10Be Derived Catchment Denudation Rates from the Garhwal Himalaya
Swander Z, Dosseto A, Fink D, May J-H & Korup O

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