All abstracts by Andreas Türke in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2022) The Surtsey Subsurface Observatory: Surface Mineral Reactions in Natural Hydrothermal EnvironmentsPeter M, Luttge A, Bach W & Turke A
(2020) Evolution of Helium Signatures from Kermadec Arc Under Water Volcanoes
Walter M, Türke A, Mertens C & Sültenfuß J
(2020) Microbially Mediated Alteration of Basaltic Tephra from Surtsey Volcano, Iceland
Türke A, Jørgensen S, Bach W, Kahl W-A & Hansen C
(2018) Comparing Biosignatures in Aged Basalt Glass from North Pond, Mid-Atlantic Ridge and the Louisville Seamount Trail, off New Zealand
Türke A, Ménez B & Bach W
(2018) The Use of Short-Lived Radium Isotopes at Submarine Hydrothermal Vents
Neuholz R, Schnetger B, Walker SL, Walter M, Türke A & Brumsack H-J
(2017) Dissolved-Particulate Exchange in the Proximal Hydrothermal Plume at the Aurora Vent Field, Gakkel Ridge, Arctic Ocean
Türke A, Bach W, Boetius A, Diehl A, German C, Köhler J, Mertens C, Monien P, Prause S & Sueltenfuss J
(2017) Geological Settings of Hydrothermal Vents at 6°15’W and 55°30’E on the Gakkel Ridge, Arctic Ocean
Marcon Y, Purser A, Diehl A, Albers E, Türke A, McDermott J, German C, Hand K, Schlindwein V, Dorschel B, Wegener G, Boetius A & Bach W
(2015) Palagonitization of Basalt Glass in the Flanks of Mid-Ocean Ridges: Implications for the Bioenergetics of Oceanic Intracrustal Ecosystems
Türke A, Bach W & Nakamura K
(2015) A Geochemical Budget of 8 Myrs of Oxidative Ocean Basement Alteration
Bach W, Rouxel O, Nakamura K, Türke A & Klügel A
(2013) Rocky Constraints on Catabolic Energy Supply in the Subseafloor
Bach W, Kahl W-A, Jöns N, Türke A & Plümper O