All abstracts by Lars Wörmer in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2022) Untargeted μm-Scale Imaging of Sedimentary Climate Archives: A Fresh Look at Existing DataLiu W, Alfken S, Wörmer L, Lipp JS & Hinrichs K-U
(2022) Mass Spectrometry Imaging as a New Tool for Deep Time Ecological Reconstruction
Nettersheim BJ, Wendt J, Wörmer L, Obreht I, Alfken S, Taubner H, Decker C, Hübner A, Schott C, Cvačka J, Schulz H-M, Hallmann C & Hinrichs K-U
(2019) Precise Timing of Environmental Changes Across the Younger Dryas Interval in the Cariaco Basin Revealed by Molecular Stratigraphy at Sub-Annual Resolution
Wörmer L, Boehman B, Wendt J, Haug G & Hinrichs K-U
(2019) Forcing Mechanisms Behind the Time-Transgressive Younger Dryas Cooling Across the North Atlantic Realm
Obreht I, Wörmer L, Wendt J, Alfken S, Elvert M, Brauer A & Hinrichs K-U
(2018) Extreme Heterotrophy after Snowball Earth
van Maldegem L, Sansjofre P, Weijers J, Wolkenstein K, Wormer L, Strother P & Hallmann C
(2018) µm-Scale Molecular Stratigraphy in Santa Barbara Basin Sediment
Alfken S, Wörmer L, Lipp JS, Schimmelmann A & Hinrichs K-U
(2018) The Dormant Deep Biosphere: Assessing Global Abundance of Bacterial Endospores and their Response to Burial and Aging in the Marine Subseafloor
Wörmer L, Hoshino T, Bowles M, Viehweger B, Morono Y, Inagaki F & Hinrichs K-U
(2018) Endospore Distribution in the Nankai Trough Deep Biosphere – Insights from IODP Expedition 370
Viehweger B, Gajendra N, Wörmer L, Heuer V & Hinrichs K-U
(2018) Temperature Limits of the Deep Biosphere
Heuer V, Inagaki F, Morono Y, Viehweger B, Wörmer L & Hinrichs K-U
(2017) Biotic and Abiotic Carbon Cycling in Geothermally Heated Sediments from the Nankai Trough
Gan S, Heuer V, Schmidt F, Wörmer L, Adhikari R & Hinrichs K-U
(2017) An Improved Dipicolinic Acid (DPA) Based Method for Detecting Endospores in Low-Biomass Sedimentary Samples
Viehweger B, Wörmer L, Arndt J & Hinrichs K-U
(2017) The Deep Biosphere in Bengal Fan Sediments (IODP Exp. 354)
Adhikari RR, Heuer VB, Elvert M, Hoshino T, Inagaki F, Kallmeyer J, Kitte A, Wörmer L & Hinrichs K-U
(2017) Advancing Mass Spectrometry Imaging of Sediments: Lipid Biomarker Analysis with Sub-Mm Resolution
Wörmer L, Wendt J, Alfken S, Wang J-X, Elvert M & Hinrichs K-U
(2016) Assessing Abundance and Relevance of Bacterial Endospores in the Marine Subsurface
Wörmer L, Hoshino T, Viehweger B, Meador T, Gajendra N, Stern B, Inagaki F & Hinrichs K-U
(2016) Mass Spectrometry Imaging of Molecular Biomarkers on Intact Sediment Sections
Wörmer L, Moros M, Schimmelmann A & Hinrichs K-U
(2013) Increasing Spatial Resolution of Lipid Biomarker Analysis by LDI FT-Icrms
Wörmer L, Elvert M, Fuchser J, Lipp JS & Hinrichs K-U
(2013) Subseafloor Microbial Community in the Benguela Upwelling Area Characterized by Lipid Biomarkers and Intracellular DNA
Evans TW, Wörmer L, Lever M-A, Zhu R, Lagostina L, Jørgensen BB & Hinrichs K-U