All abstracts by Matthieu Bressac in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2022) Responses of Microbial Residents to New Versus Regenerated Fe in a Cold-Core Eddy (Southern Ocean)Fourquez MA, Stzrepek R, Ellwood M, Hassler C, Cabanes D, Eggins S, Pearce I, Deppeler S, Trull T, Boyd P & Bressac M
(2021) Particulate Trace Metals from Shallow Hydrothermal Vents
Vorrath M-E, González-Santana D, Arnone V, Bressac M, Germain Y, Desprez de Desincourt F, Sarthou G & Planquette H
(2014) Dust Deposition in an Oligotrophic Marine Environment: Impact on the Carbon Budget
Guieu C, Ridame C, Pulido-Villena E, Bressac M, Desboeufs K & Dulac F
(2014) New Nutrients (Nitrogen and Phosphorus) Dynamic Following a Saharan Dust Deposition
Louis J, Bressac M & Guieu C
(2010) Stability of Glutathione and Bioavailability of Mercury-Glutathione Complexes in Aquatic Systems
Amyot M, Poulain A, Moingt M, Bressac M & Bélanger D