All abstracts by Patrick Bachèlery in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2024) Diffusion Modelling of Zoned Olivine and Magma Dynamics at a Large Mafic Underwater Volcano (Fani Maoré)Bruckel K, Médard E, Costa F, Gurioli L, Berthod C, Verdurme P, Komorowski J-C & Bachèlery P
(2023) The “Adventive Cones” of Piton de la Fournaise Volcano (La Réunion, Indian Ocean). Anomalous Compositions
Upton BGJ, Barling J, Bachèlery P, Odling N & Blichert-Toft J
(2023) The Fe-Rich, Mildly Alkaline Magma Series of Mayotte’s Eastern Submarine Volcanic Chain (Mayotte, France, Western Indian Ocean)
Chaudron Vrignaud E, Lacombe T, Médard E, Berthod C, Bachèlery P, Komorowski J-C, Gurioli L, Verdurme P, Besson P, LeBas E, Thinon I, Jorry S, Paquet F, Rinnert E, Feuillet N, Yves F, Cathalot C & Le Friant A
(2023) “A Phonolite? From the Mantle?”: The Magmatic System Under the Phonolitic Tuff-Rings of Petite-Terre (Mayotte, France, Western Indian Ocean)
Lacombe T, DiMuro A, Médard E, Gurioli L, Berthod C, Bachèlery P, Komorowski J-C & Besson P
(2021) S—Se—Te Systematics in La Réunion Hotspot Lavas and Peridotites
Vlastelic I, Piro J-L, Famin V, Bachèlery P & Di Muro A
(2015) Insights into the Origin of Magmas from the Adventive Cones of Piton de la Fournaise Volcano (La Réunion Island)
Valer M, Schiano P & Bachelery P
(2014) Rapid Olivine Growth in Deep Magmas: The Symptoms
Welsch B, Faure F, Famin V, Baronnet A, Bachèlery P, Hammer J & Hellebrand E
(2010) Heterogeneity in the Mantle Source of La Réunion Island
Smietana M, Bachèlery P & Hémond C