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All abstracts by Eric H. Oelkers in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Direct Evidence of CO2 Drawdown Through Enhanced Rock Weathering in Carbon Rich Soils
Gislason SR, Linke T, Möckel SC, Dideriksen K & Oelkers EH

(2024) The Successful Carbon Storage Through Subsurface Mineral Carbonation in the Volcanic Rocks Near Jazan, Southwest Saudi Arabia
Oelkers EH, Addassi M, Omar A, Afifi A, Hoteit H, Finkbeiner T, Menegoni N, Delaunay A, Fedorik J, Ahmed Z, Kunnummal N, Gislason SR, Bjornsson G, Berno D & Arkadakskiy S

(2024) Isotope Geochemistry Played a Key Role for the Successful Completion of the First Pilot Demonstration Project of Subsurface Mineralization of CO2 in Saudi Arabia
Arkadakskiy S, Ahmed Z, Kunnummal N, Fedorik J, Addassi M, Omar A, Menegoni N, Berno D, Afifi A, Finkbeiner T, Hoteit H, Bjornsson G, Gislason SR, Shouakar-Stash O & Oelkers EH

(2023) Carbon Fixation Using Seawater for Sustainable Large-Scale Carbon Capture and Storage—Using Stable Isotopes for Quantification
Phillips E, Voigt M, Bradbury H, Knapp WJ, Turchyn A(V, Tipper ET, Snæbjörnsdóttir SÓ, Sigfússon B, Clark DE, Oelkers EH & Gislason SR

(2023) Geochemistry of Groundwaters from the First Subsurface CO2 Mineral Carbonation Pilot Site in Saudi Arabia
Arkadakskiy S, Oelkers EH, Bjornsson G, Gislason SR, Finkbeiner T, Hoteit H, Afifi A, Addassi M, Fedorik J, Berno D, Ahmed Z & Kunnummal N

(2023) Direct Evidence of CO2 Drawdown Through Enhanced Weathering in Soils
Linke T, Oelkers EH, Möckel SC & Gislason SR

(2023) Modelling the Combined Effects of Reaction-Driven Flow Path Modification and Fracture Propagation during Carbon Mineralization in Poroelastic Rock
Addassi M, pena Clavijo S, Hoteit H, Finkbeiner T & Oelkers EH

(2023) Towards a Quantified Description of Mineral Precipitation Rates
Oelkers EH, Stamm FM & Schott J

(2022) The Importance of Ca-Bearing Zeolites for Mineral Carbonation
Heřmanská M, Delerce S & Oelkers EH

(2021) Isotope Exchange between Carbonate Minerals and Fluids at Equilibrium and during Mineral Phase Transformations at Earth's Surface Temperatures
Harrison A, Oelkers EH, Schott J, Bénézeth P & Mavromatis V

(2021) The Behavior of Li and Mg Isotopes during Organic-Mediated Silicate Weathering
Liu X, Pogge von Strandmann PAE, Oelkers EH & Fraser W

(2021) Insights on the Carbon Mineralization Potential of Alteration Minerals
Marieni C, Voigt M, Saldi G, Bénézeth P & Oelkers EH

(2021) Potential for CO2 Mineral Storage in Altered Basalts
Delerce S & Oelkers EH

(2021) Experimental Characterisation of Basalt Carbonation by Seawater-Dissolved CO2 at 130℃
Voigt M, Marieni C, Baldermann A, Galeczka IM, Wolff-Boenisch D, Oelkers EH & Gislason SR

(2021) Carbfix: CO2 Storage Through Carbon Mineralisation
Snæbjörnsdóttir SÓ, Sigfússon B, Helgason K, Marieni C, Clark DE, Ratouis T, Voigt M, Oelkers EH, Gislason SR & Aradottir ES

(2021) The Nesjavellir (Iceland) Geothermal System: The Efficiency and Long-Term Effects of the Industrial CO2 and H2S Storage on Reservoir Fluid Composition
Galeczka IM, Kleine BI, Gunnarsson-Robin J, Snæbjörnsdóttir SÓ, Sigfússon B, Gunnarsdóttir SH, Weisenberger TB, Oelkers EH & Stefánsson A

(2021) A Database of Kinetic Parameters for Dissolution of Selected Primary and Secondary Minerals
Heřmanská M, Marieni C, Voigt M, Declercq J & Oelkers EH

(2020) Elemental Mobility Following CO2-H2S Injection into Basaltic Rocks at the CarbFix2 Site, Iceland
Clark D, Galeczka I, Oelkers E, Sigfússon B, Gunnarsson I, Snæbjörnsdóttir S, Aradóttir E & Gislason S

(2020) Tracing CO2 and H2S Sequestration in a Basaltic Aquifer Using Stable Isotopes at CarbFix, Iceland
Ancellin M-A, Gíslason SR, Snæbjörnsdóttir SÓ, Sigfússon B, Nowell GM, Pogge von Strandmann PAE, Oelkers EH, Alfreðsson HA, Aradóttir ES, Mesfin KG & Burton KW

(2020) Erosion Rates of Basaltic Terrains and their Role in the Global Carbon Cycle
Gislason S & Oelkers E

(2020) Mineralogical Controls on Arsenic Stability in the Poldice Mine, Cornwall
Tang J, Oelkers E, Declercq J & Bowell R

(2019) Expanding the CarbFix CCS Method Beyond Icelandic Geothermal Power Plants
Marieni C, Voigt M & Oelkers E

(2019) An Experimental Study of Sepiolite Dissolution Rates and Mechanisms at 25 C
Mulders J & Oelkers E

(2019) Using Siderite to Remove Lead from Contaminated Acidic (Sub)surface Waste Waters
Füllenbach L, Perez J, Freeman H, Benning L & Oelkers E

(2019) Thermodynamic Databases for CO2 Water Rock Systems
Voigt M, Marieni C, Clark DE, Gíslason SR & Oelkers EH

(2019) Fluid/mineral Isotope Exchange Kinetics at Bulk Chemical Equilibrium
Stamm FM, Zambardi T, Chmeleff J, Schott J & Oelkers EH

(2019) Deciphering Non-Traditional Isotope Fractionation during Solid-Fluid Interactions: Kinetic/thermodynamic Challenges and Pathways Forward
Schott J, Mavromatis V, Saldi G, Blanchard M, Méheut M & Oelkers E

(2019) How Nanominerals Form and their Role in Contaminant Cycling
Benning LG, Perez JPH, Navaz-Rubio S, Stawski TM, Hoevelmann JE, Tobler DJ, Thomas AN, Fuellenbach LC, Oelkers EH & Freeman HM

(2019) Potential for Hydrogen Generation in Underground Mines
Declercq J, Bowell R, Herrell M & Oelkers E

(2019) Chemistry and Mineralisation of CO2-H2S Fluids Injected into Basaltic Rocks at the CarbFix2 Site, Iceland
Clark DE, Gunnarsson I, Oelkers EH, Sigfússon B, Snæbjörnsdóttir SÓ, Aradóttir ES & Gíslason SR

(2019) Injection of Geothermal CO2 and H2S Gases at the Nesjavellir Site: A Pre-Injection Overview
Snæbjörnsdóttir SÓ, Galeczka IM, Sigfússon B, Stefánsson A, Gíslason SR & Oelkers EH

(2019) How Particulate Material Gave the Earth’s Atmosphere its Oxygen
Oelkers E

(2018) Impacts of Evaporation-Recharge Cycles on Chemical Weathering in the Unsaturated Zone
Harrison A & Oelkers E

(2018) Nickel Isotope Fractionation during Sorption on Calcite Surface and Coprecipitation with Calcite
Castillo Alvarez MC, Quitté G, Schott J & Oelkers EH

(2018) Extreme Silicon Isotope Fractionation between Silicic Acid and Aqueous Organosilicon Complexes: Implication for Silica Biomineralization
Stamm FM, Méheut M, Zambardi T, Chmeleff J, Schott J & Oelkers EH

(2018) Strontium and Magnesium Isotope Fractionation during Hydrothermal Seawater-Basalt Interaction
Voigt M, Pearce CR, Fries DM, Baldermann A & Oelkers EH

(2017) Glass Alteration
Gislason S, Wolff-Boenisch D & Oelkers E

(2017) Pollution from the 2014/15 Bárðarbunga Eruption Monitored by Snow Cores from Vatnajökull Glacier, Iceland
Galeczka I, Eiriksdottir ES, Pálsson F, Oelkers E, Lutz S, Benning LG, Stefánsson A, Gunnarsson Robin J, Ólafsdóttir R, Jónasdóttir EB & Gislason SR

(2017) Reaction Path Modelling of the in situ Mineralisation of CO2 at the CarbFix Site in SW-Iceland
Snæbjörnsdóttir SÓ, Gislason SR, Galeczka IM & Oelkers EH

(2017) Nickel Isotope Fractionation during Ni Coprecipitation with Calcite at 25℃
Castillo Alvarez MC, Quitte G, Schott J & Oelkers EH

(2017) Experimental Determination of the Isotope Fractionation between Aqueous Fluid Brucite and Amorphous Silica, and Among Mg and Si Aqueous Species
Stamm FM, Zambardi T, Chmeleff J, Méheut M, Schott J & Oelkers EH

(2017) The Rates of 13C Isotope Evolution in Calcite at Fluid-Mineral Bulk Chemical Equilibrium
Oelkers E, Grimm C, Harrison A, Mavromatis V & Schott J

(2017) What can We Learn from Stable Isotope Fractionation About the Mechanisms Controlling Solid-Fluid Interactions?
Schott J, Mavromatis V, Saldi G, Balan E & Oelkers E

(2017) Carbon Sequestration via Enhanced Weathering of Peridotites and Basalts in Seawater
Rigopoulos I, Harrison A, Delimitis A, Ioannou I, Efstathiou A, Kyratsi T & Oelkers E

(2017) Mineral Growth Under Water-Limited Conditions
Harrison AL, Oelkers EH, Noiriel C & Schott J

(2014) Effect of Ca on Magnesite Growth – A Fundamental Approach Towards Solving the Dolomite Problem
Berninger U-N, Jordan G, Lindner M, Schott J & Oelkers E

(2014) Si Isotope Fractionation during the Dissolution of Quartz, Opal-Ct, Diatomite, and Amorphous SiO2
Rinder T, Oelkers E & Zambardi T

(2014) Ca and Mg Isotope Fractionation during the Stoichiometric Dissolution of Dolomite and at Equilibrium
Pérez-Fernàndez AP, Berninger U-N, Mavromatis V, Pogge Von Strandmann P & Oelkers EH

(2014) Mg Isotope Fractionation during Hydrothermal Ultramafic Rock Alteration – Implications for the Global Mg-Cycle
Beinlich A, Mavromatis V, Austrheim H & Oelkers EH

(2014) Beaker to Boreal: Linking Mineral Dissolution to Fungal Bio-Weathering
Bray AW, Bonneville S, Oelkers EH & Benning LG

(2014) The Past, Present, and Future of Carbon Capture and Storage
Oelkers E, Gislason S, Stute M & Matter J

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