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All abstracts by Shino Suzuki in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) A Non-Methanogenic Archaeon within the Order Methanocellales in Highly Reduced Serpentinized Setting
Suzuki S, Ishii S, Chadwick GL, Kozuma A, Watanabe K, Inagaki F, Albertsen M, Nielsen PH & Nealson K

(2020) Geochemical Bioenergetics and Microbial Metabolisms at Three Contrasting Sites of Serpentinization
Cook MC, Morrill PL, Suzuki S & Blank JG

(2017) Metabolic Diversity of Hyperalkaliphilic Microbial Communities Associated with Serpentinization at The Cedars
Suzuki S, Ishii S, Hoshino T, Inagaki F, Kuenen JG & Nealson KH

(2016) Metabolic Diversity of Microorganisms Associated with Active Subsurface Serpentinization
Suzuki S, Ishii S, Hoshino T, Inagaki F, Marques J & Nealson K

(2015) Functional and Taxonomic Dynamics of a Methanogenic Biofilm Community Using a Solid-Phase Electron Dono
Bretschger O, Carpenter K, Phan T, Ishii S, Suzuki S, Grossi-Soyster E, Flynn M & Hogan J

(2014) Hydrocarbon Sources at a Site of Active Continental Serpentinization: The Cedars, California, USA
Rietze A, Morrill PL, Kavanagh H, Kuenen JG, Suzuki S, Eigenbrode JL, Nealson KH, Sherwood Lollar B & Fogel ML

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