All abstracts by Stefan Bruns in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2019) Use of X-Ray µ-CT to Trace the Transport Behaviour of Sulfidised Zerovalent Iron in Porous MediaSchiefler A, Tobler D, Tuxen N, Dæssing-Overheu N, Mueter D, Bruns S & Osholm Sørensen H
(2017) Predicting Macroscale Properties of Rocks from Nanoscale Data
Sørensen HO, Bruns S, Dalby KN, Müter D, Uesugi K & Stipp SLS
(2017) Visualising Individual Microbial Cells Inside Rock Pores
Tobler DJ, Sørensen HO, Bruns S, Jha D, Yang Y & Stipp SLS
(2016) Why pH Buffering may Lead to a More Homogeneous Rock Dissolution
Sørensen HO, Yang Y, Bruns S & Stipp SLS
(2015) Nanotomography: Resolution, Scale, and Physical Properties
Jha D, Osholm Sørensen H, Müter D, Bruns S, Dalby KN & Stipp SLS