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All abstracts by Patrick Beaudry in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Mantle Wedge Oxidation by Sulfate Species via Fluid-Rock Reaction
Beaudry P & Sverjensky DA

(2023) The Role of Mid- to Deep Crustal Processes for Sulfur Isotope Fractionation in Arc Magmas
Rezeau H, Beaudry P, Jagoutz O, Izon G, Ono S, Klein B & Kelemen P

(2023) Preferential Partitioning of Sulfate Species into Slab Fluids: Insights from the DEW Model and Implications for Sulfur Isotope Cycling
Beaudry P & Sverjensky DA

(2020) S Isotopes in Archean & Proterozoic Strongly Peraluminous Granites
Bucholz CE, Biasi JA, Beaudry P, Ono S, Liebmann J & Spencer CJ

(2018) Methane Clumped Isotopologue Thermometry of Icelandic Geothermal Gases
Beaudry P, Rhim J, Stefánsson A, Fiebig J & Ono S

(2015) Sulphur Isotope Systematics in Volcanic Sulphides and Glasses from El Hierro, Canary Islands
Beaudry P, Longpré M-A, Economos R, Wing B, Bui TH & Stix J

(2015) Degassing, Redox and Sulfide Saturation of Sulfur-Rich Basanite at El Hierro, Canary Islands
Longpré M-A, Beaudry P, Shimizu N & Stix J

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