All abstracts by Frédéric Delarue in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2018) Xenon Isotopes in Archean Kerogens: On the Syngenetic Origin of Ancient Organic Materials and Evolution of the Primitive AtmosphereBekaert DV, Broadley MW, Delarue F, Avice G, Robert F & Marty B
(2017) Preservation of Hydrogenated Organic Moieites in Archean Cherts
Delarue F, Derenne S, Baudin F & Robert F
(2016) Reconstructing the O Isotope Composition of Precambrian Oceans
Tartese R, Chaussidon M, Gurenko A, Delarue F & Robert F
(2015) Archean Microfossils from the Farrel Quartzite (Pilbara Craton, Australia, 3.0 Gyr) Reveal Contrasted δ15N Signatures
Delarue F, Robert F, Sugitani K & Derenne S