All abstracts by Edward Inglis in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2024) A Depleted Hadean Signature Recorded in a Present-Day Ocean Island VolcanoIsrael C, Chauvel C & Inglis E
(2023) High Precision 142Nd Isotope Measurements Using a Nu TIMS
Israel C, Chauvel C, Luu T-H, Inglis E & Roberts DJ
(2023) Zirconium Isotopes Reveal Continental Crust Recycling into the Mantle
Tian S, Moynier F, Jackson MG & Inglis E
(2023) Iron and Zinc Isotopic Evidence for Fluid Infiltration in Eclogite Breccias at Monviso, Italy
Goliber SFB, Starr P, Inglis E, Agard P, Locatelli M, Dragovic B, Paquet M, Moynier F & Baxter EF
(2022) The Behavior of K Stable Isotopes Accompanying the Subduction of the Oceanic Crust and Sediments
Chen H, Debret B, Inglis E, Williams HM & Halliday AN
(2022) Geochemistry of the New Submarine Volcano Next to Mayotte (Comoros Archipelago)
Chauvel C, Inglis E, Gutierrez P, Luu T-H, Bürckel P & Besson P
(2021) Geochemical Characterization of the New 2018-2019 Mayotte Submarine
Inglis E, Gutierrez P, Luu T-H, Burkel P, Besson P & Chauvel C
(2021) High-Precision Sr and Nd Isotope Measurements Using a Nu TIMS
Luu T-H, Inglis E, Gutierrez P, Roberts DJ & Chauvel C
(2021) High-Precision W Isotope Measurements Using a Nu TIMS
Roberts DJ, Luu T-H, Inglis E, Gutierrez P & Chauvel C
(2021) The Zirconium Isotope Composition of the Mantle and Upper Continental Crust Through Time
Tian S, Moynier F, Inglis E, Rudnick RL, Huang F, Chauvel C, Gaschnig RM, Creech J & Puchtel IS
(2020) High-Precision Nd and W Isotopic Measurements Using a Nu TIMS
Roberts D, Lu T-H, Gutierrez P, Chauvel C & Inglis E
(2019) Stable Zr Isotope Insights into Magmatic Processes throughout Earths History
Inglis E, Moynier F, Bizzaro M, Connelly J & Nemchin A
(2018) Extreme Mantle Heterogeneity Preserved in Earth’s Oceanic Crust
Burton K, McCoy-West A, Inglis E & Parkinson I
(2018) Stable Zr Isotope Fractionation during Magmatic Differentiation: Insights into the Evolution of Earth’s Crust
Inglis E, Moynier F, Creech J, Savage P & Deng Z
(2017) Stable Iron Isotope Behaviour during Fluid Release from Subducted Slab Serpentinites
Inglis E, Bouilhol P, Debret B, Williams H & Burton K
(2017) Reconciling the Iron Isotope Composition of Mid-Ocean Ridge Basalts with their Mantle Source
Burton K & Inglis E
(2015) Iron Stable Isotope Variations Accompanying Prograde Metamorphism of Basalts & Gabbros from Alpine Ophiolites
Inglis E, Debret B, Millet M-A, Burton K, Nowell G, Dale C & Williams H
(2015) Isotopic Evidence for Iron Mobility during Subduction
Debret B, Williams H, Millet M-A & Inglis E