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All abstracts by Carolina Rosca in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2023) Zinc Isotopes in Deep Carbonated Mantle Melts do not Hint at Recycled Carbon
Tappe S, Rosca C, Stracke A, König S, Strauss H & Schoenberg R

(2023) Revisiting Barium Isotope Systematics at the Tongan Subduction Zone: Implications for Deep Mantle Recycling
Ahmad Q, Wille M, König S, Rosca C, Pettke T & Hermann J

(2023) Selectively Targeting Authigenic and Detrital Components in Impure Chemical Sedimentary Rocks of the 1.85 Ga Duck Creek Dolomite, Western Australia
Gogouvitis MD, Rosca C, Kleinhanns IC, Havsteen JC, Van Kranendonk MJ & Schoenberg R

(2023) Linking Atmospheric Oxygenation to Marine Deoxygenation during Earth’s Great Oxidation
Havsteen JC, Eickmann B, Kleinhanns IC, Rosca C, Gogouvitis MD, Izon G, Beukes N & Schoenberg R

(2022) Molybdenum Isotope Evidence for Sediment Recycling in Hotspot-Influenced MORBs: A Window into Ancient Deep-Sea Redox
Ahmad Q, Wille M, Rosca C, Labidi J, Schmid T, Mezger K & König S

(2021) Molybdenum Isotope Systematics at the Tonga Subduction Zone: The Role of the Metasomatized Forearc Mantle
Ahmad Q, Wille M, König S, Rosca C, Hensel A, Pettke T & Hermann J

(2020) Weathering and Post-Depositional Evolution of a Neoarchean Paleosol
Babechuk M, Stüeken E, Rosca C, Sindol G & Schoenberg R

(2020) Ocean-Atmosphere Redox Conditions Recorded by the 1.88 Ga Sokoman IF
Sindol G, Babechuk M, Conliffe J, Rosca C, Schoenberg R & Slack J

(2019) Zinc Isotope Systematics in Subduction Zones – Insights from Tonga Arc Lavas
Rosca C, König S, Pons ML & Schoenberg R

(2017) Characterisation of the Deposition of Organolead Compounds in the Irish Peatlands by GC-MC-ICP-MS
Craig G, Rosca C, Tomlinson E, Kamber B, Lloyd N, Bouman C & Schwieters J

(2017) Zn Isotope Systematics in Contrasting Deccan Basalt Weathering Profiles
Suhr N, Kamber BS, Rosca C, Schoenberg R & Widdowson M

(2017) Increasing Zinc Pollution of the Earth Surface Environment? An Example from an Irish Peat Bog
Rosca C, Schoenberg R, Tomlinson EL & Kamber BS

(2015) Pushing the Limits of Atmospheric Trace Metal Detection in Peat Samples
Rosca C, Tomlinson E, Mitchell F, McGlynn G & Kamber B

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