All abstracts by Ann-Christine Ritter in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2016) Mimicing Diagenetic Alteration in the Laboratory: Effects on the Microstructure and Mineralogy of Arctica islandica ShellsCasella LA, Griesshaber E, Mavromatis V, Dietzel M, Ritter A-C, Immenhauser A & Schmahl WW
(2015) Microstructural Changes Reflect the Degree of Diagenetic Alteration in Biogenic Carbonates
Casella LA, Griesshaber E, Neuser RD, Stevens K, Ritter A-C, Mutterlose J, Brand U, Immenhauser A & Schmahl WW
(2015) Experimental Diagenesis: Exploring the Impact of Differential Fluid Temperature and Chemistry on Biogenic Aragonite
Ritter A-C, Mavromatis V, Dietzel M, Schmahl W, Griesshaber E, Casella L, Koelen J, Neuser R, Niedermayr A, Buhl D & Immenhauser A
(2015) Effects of Microbial Activity on the Stability of Aragonitic Bivalve Shells: Implications for Early Carbonate Diagenesis
Lange SM, Krause S, Immenhauser A, Ritter A-C & Treude T