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All abstracts by Simon Turner in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Diffusive Isotope Fractionation of Zr in Silicate Melts
Bloch E, Ibanez-Mejia M, Watkins JM, Foley ML, Johnson A, Turner S, Tissot FLH, Mallik A & Ulmer P

(2023) Calc-Alkaline Magmatism and the Origin of the Earth’s First Continental Crust
Adam J, Wellhäuser A, Firth C, Rushmer T, Turner S, Davidson A, Cronin S & Wörner G

(2023) Oxidised yet Sulfur Poor Magmas in the Manus Back-Arc Basin
Gorojovsky LR, Alard O, Berry A, Ezad IS & Turner S

(2023) Constraining Andesitic Magma Storage and Evolution at White Island (Whakaari) Volcano, New Zealand: Insights from Experimental and Rhyolite-Melts Modelling Results
Jiang W-C, Turner S, Adam J, Rushmer T & Cronin S

(2023) Are Vertically Extensive Magmatic Systems Realistic? A Cautionary Tale About Geobarometers
Firth C, Adam J, Davidson A, Turner S, Rushmer T & Cronin S

(2022) Sulfur, Selenium, Tellurium, and Copper Systematics as a Function of Oxygen Fugacity in the Manus Back-Arc Basin
Gorojovsky L, Alard O, Berry A & Turner S

(2022) Evidence for Highly Unradiogenic 187Os/188Os in the Source of Intraplate Volcanism
Hoernle K, Schaefer B, Portnyagin MV, Turner S, Nelson WR & Müller RD

(2022) Insights into Magma Evolution beneath Mt Taranaki, New Zealand: A Uranium-Series Isotopic Perspective
Davidson A & Turner S

(2022) Petrological Evolution of Mt Taranaki, New Zealand
Adam J, Rushmer T, Turner S & Cronin S

(2022) The K Isotope Composition of Göttingen Minipig Brain Regions and Implication for Alzheimer’s Disease
Mahan B, Tacail T, Lewis J, Elliott T, Turner S, Chung R & Moynier F

(2021) Mo Isotope Systematics of the Solander and Little Solander Adakitic Rocks
Bezard R, Rushmer T, Turner S, Schoenberg R, Messling N & Willbold M

(2021) Elemental and Isotopic Insights into Volatility Processes from Studies of Tektites
Creech J, Turner S, Schaefer B & Haines P

(2020) A Longitudinal Investigation of Metal Accumulation in Brain Regions of Göttingen Minipigs, and a First Glimpse of Ca Isotopes in the Mammalian Brain
Mahan B, Antonelli M, Burckel P, Turner S, Chung R, Jørgensen AL & Moynier F

(2020) High Precision N-TIMS Os Isotopic Measurement on Low Abundance Materials Using 10 13 ohm Resistors
Schaefer B, Wieland P, Bezard R & Turner S

(2020) Heavy δ57Fe in Ocean Island Basalts: Is Pyroxenite the Solution?
Soderman C, Williams H, Shorttle O, Matthews S, Jackson M, Nebel O, Ruttor S, Beier C, Turner S & Millet M-A

(2020) Stable Iron Isotopes as a Tracer for the Mantle Components ‘FOZO a and B’ at São Miguel, Azores
Ruttor S, Nebel O, Williams H, Beier C, Richter M, Nebel-Jacobsen Y, Romer R & Turner S

(2020) How Recently did Fluid Flow on Carbonaceous Chondrites
Turner S, McGee L, Creech J & Humayan M

(2020) Ba Isotope Study on Arc Lavas and Mantle Peridotites with the Application of 1013 ohm Resistor
Wu F, Schaefer B, Alard O & Turner S

(2020) U-Series Histories of Magmatic Volatile Phases and Enclave Development at Soufrière Hills Volcano, Montserrat
McGee L, Reagan M, Handley H, Turner S & Sparks S

(2020) An Andesitic Source for Jack Hills Zircon Argues for a Hadean Onset of Plate Tectonics
Turner S, Wilde S, Worner G, Schaefer B & Lai Y-J

(2020) Sulfur, Selenium, Tellurium, and Copper Systematics in the Manus Back-Arc Basin
Gorojovsky L, Alard O & Turner S

(2018) Subduction Initiation in the Aleutian Arc System
Bezard R, Hoernle K, Hauff F, Portnyagin M, Werner R, Yogodzinski G, Jicha B, Garbe-Schönberg D, Turner S & Schaefer B

(2018) Constraints on P-T Conditions of TTG Suite Formation
Wellhäuser A, Rushmer T, Adam J, Wörner G & Turner S

(2017) The Genesis of High Nb-Ta Signatures at the Northern Tongan Islands of Tafahi and Niuatoputapu
Beier C, Turner S, Haase K, Pearce J, Münker C & Regelous M

(2017) How Recently did Fluid Flow Occur on CV and CM Chondrites?
Turner S, McGee L & Humayun M

(2016) Two Distinct Low εHf Components in Azores Lavas
Beguelin P, Bizimis M, Beier C & Turner S

(2016) Deep Mantle Heterogeneity Recorded in the OJ Nui Plume Head
Schaefer B, Hoernle K, Parkinson I, Golowin R, Portnyagin M, Turner S & Werner R

(2016) Iron Isotope Contraints on Mantle Lithological Heterogeneity beneath the Azores
Williams H, Turner S, Humayun M, Widom E & Millet M-A

(2015) The Tonga-Kermadec Arc – Lau Back-Arc: Recent Progress and Future Research Directions
Turner S

(2015) Making New Felsic Crust in Primitive Arc Settings: Contrasting Case Studies
Rushmer T, Foley F, Brens R, Adam J & Turner S

(2015) Magmatic Processes at Persistently Active Arc Volcanoes
Firth C, Turner S, Turner M, Cronin S & Handley H

(2015) The Genesis of Silicic Magmas in Shallow Crustal Cold Zones
Adam J, Turner S & Rushmer T

(2015) The Impact of Subducted Slab Components on Back-Arc Melting
Beier C, Turner S, Regelous M & Haase K

(2015) Os Isotope Evidence for a Heterogeneous Source for the World’s Largest Phanerozoic Volcanic Event
Schaefer B, Hoernle K, Parkinson I, Golowin R, Portnyagin M, Turner S, Hauff F & Werner R

(2015) Crystal/melt Partitioning of Volatile and Non-Volatile Elements during Peridotite Melting: Implications for Mantle Fractionation
Adam J, Turner M, Hauri E & Turner S

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