All abstracts by Yanwei Zhang in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2017) Monitoring Sediment Transport in the Deep South China Sea Using 231Pa-230Th Isotopess of Sediment Trap SamplesZhao Y, Liu Z, Lippold J, Jaccard S, Zhang Y, Eglinton T, Zhang X & Wu Q
(2017) Tracing Seasonal Variation of Suspended Sediment Provenances in the South China Sea
Liu Z, Zhao Y, Zhang Y, Colin C, Wu Q, Lin S, Zhao S, Wen K & Zhang X
(2016) Provenance and Source-To-Sink Transport Processes of Fluvial Sediments in the South China Sea
Liu Z, Zhao Y, Colin C, Stattegger K, Wiesner MG, Zhang Y & Li X
(2016) Tracing the Provenance of Organic Matter and its Associations with Minerals in the South China Sea
Blattmann T, Wen K, Li J, Zhao Y, Zhang Y, Wacker L, Haghipour N, Plötze M, Liu Z & Eglinton T