All abstracts by Zhongqing Wu in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2024) The Reduced Partition Function Ratios of K and Ca Isotopes in Feldspars: Insight from Deep Neural Network PotentialsXiao Z, Kang J, Wang D, Deng G, Wu Z & Huang F
(2023) The Elasticity of Dolomite at Mantle Conditions: Implication for the Origin of the Mid-Lithosphere Discontinuity in Cratons
Zhao Y, Deng X, Chen L & Wu Z
(2023) Water-Induced Mantle Overturns Leading to the Origination of Archean Continents and sub Continental Lithospheric Mantle
Wu Z, Song J, Zhao G & Pan Z
(2023) Compositional and Thermal State of the Lower Mantle from Joint 3D Inversion with Seismic Tomography and Mineral Elasticity
Deng X, Xu Y, Hao S, Ruan Y, Zhao Y, Wang W, Ni S & Wu Z
(2022) Elasticity of Phase H Under the Mantle Temperatures and Pressures: Implications for Discontinuities and Water Transport in the Mid-Mantle
Song Z & Wu Z
(2022) Elastic Properties of Fe-Bearing Akimotoite at Mantle Conditions: Implications for Composition and Temperature in Lower Mantle Transition Zone
Zhao Y, Wu Z, Hao S, Wang W, Deng X & Song J
(2022) Elasticity of High-Pressure Clinoenstatite Under Mantle Conditions: Implications for the Origin of the x-Discontinuity
Song J, Qian W, Hao S, Wang W, Sun D & Wu Z
(2022) Elasticity of Orthopyroxene at High Pressure and Temperature: Insights into the Metasomatism of Mantle Wedge by Siliceous Melts
Deng X, Song J, Qian W & Wu Z
(2022) Diffusion in Stishovite and CaCl2-type Silica from First-Principles Calculations: Implications for MORB Viscosity in the Lower Mantle
Chen B, Wang W, Wu Z & Wu X
(2022) The Structure and Transport Properties of Diopside Supercritical Fluid from ab Initio Calculations
Chen B, Duan L, Wu Z & Wu X
(2021) Superionic Iron-Hydrogen Alloys in Earth's Inner Core
Wang W, Li Y, Brodholt J, Vočadlo L, Walter MJ & Wu Z
(2021) First-Principle Calculations of Equilibrium Barium Isotope Fractionation between Silicate Minerals and its Implications
Xiao Z, Wang W, Wu Z & Huang F
(2019) Equilibrium Inter-Mineral Titanium Isotope Fractionation: Implication for Ti Isotope Behaviors during Magmatic Differentiation
Wang W, Huang S, Huang F, Zhao X & Wu Z
(2019) Elasticity of Akimotoite Under the Mantle Conditions: Implications for Double Discontinuities at the Depth of ~700 km in Subduction Zones
Wu Z, Hao S, Wang W & Qian W
(2018) Ice-Vii Inclusions in Ultradeep Diamonds
Tschauner O, Huang S, Wu Z, Greenberg E & Prakapenka V
(2017) Elasticity of Superhydrous Phase B at High Temperature and Pressure: Implications for Water Flow into Lower Mantle
Yang D, Wang W & Wu Z
(2016) Elasticity of Hydrous Wadsleyite at High Pressure and Temperature: Constraint on Water Content in the Mantle Transition Zone
Wang W, Peng Y & Wu Z
(2016) Mass-Dependent Stable Isotopic Constraints on the Moon Formation Giant Impact Model
Huang S, Petaev M, Wang W, Sedaghatpour F, Lock S, Wu Z, Stewart S & Jacobsen S
(2016) The Compositional Effect on Ca-Mg Isotope Fractionations Among Carbonates: First-Principles Investigations
Wu Z, Wang W, Qin T & Huang F