All abstracts by Martin Van Kranendonk in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2024) Tracing the Sr Isotopic Evolution of the Paleoarchean Ocean: Novel Insights from in situ Sr & Ca Isotopic Analysis of Pillow Basalt Hosted CarbonateBevan D, Sadekov A, Fisher CM, Boyce M, Lewis J, Elliott T, Van Kranendonk M & Kemp A
(2021) Ruthenium Isotope Constraints on the Nature of Earth’s Late-Stage Building Blocks
Fischer-Gödde M, Münker C, Becker H, Maier W, Szilas K, Gerritzen C, Van Kranendonk M & Smithies H
(2019) Metalheads of the Early Earth: Biologically Mediated Accumulation of Transition Metals and Metalloids in 3.5 Billion–year–Old Stromatolites
Baumgartner R, Van Kranendonk M, Anais P, Wacey D, Fiorentini M & Ryan C
(2019) Long-Term Preservation of W Isotope Anomalies in Crustal Rocks from the Pilbara Craton, NW Australia
Tusch J, Münker C, Jansen M, Hasenstab E, Marien CS, Kurzweil F & van Kranendonk M
(2019) The Evolution of the Archean Mantle from Combined Isotope Systematics in Pilbara Basalts and Komatiites
Hasenstab E, Tusch J, Schnabel C, Schmitt V, Marien CS, van Kranendonk M & Münker C
(2017) Globally Asynchronous Sulfur Isotope Signals Require Re-definition of the Great Oxidation Event
Philippot P, Ávila J, Killingsworth B, Baton F, Caquineau T, Muller E, Pecoits E, Cartigny P, Tessalina S, Lalonde S, Ireland T, Thomazo C, Van Kranendonk M & Busigny V
(2017) Terrestrial Microbial Mats at 3, 220 Myr ago (Moodies Group, SA)
Homann M, Heubeck C, Airo A, Van Kranendonk M, Van Zuilen M, Gong J, Sansjofre P & Lalonde S
(2016) Coastal Hydrothermal Field was Hot Spot for Biotic Diversity on the Paleoarchean Earth
Sugitani K, Mimura K, Takeuchi M, Yamaguchi T, Suzuki K, Senda R, Asahara Y, Wallis S & Van Kranendonk M