All abstracts by Mostafa Fayek in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2024) The Age and Source of Be and U Mineralization from the Baiyanghe DepositJacques I & Fayek M
(2023) The Development of Reference Material and Calibration Curves for Hydrogen and Oxygen Isotope Analysis of Tourmaline by Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS)
Whattam J, Sharpe R, Skelton S, Day MC, Fayek M, Hawthorne FC, Xu C & Gallagher S
(2022) Recent Uranium Mobility in the Kiggavik Region, Nunavut, Canada: Implications for the Effects of Glaciation on a DGR
Burron I, Fayek M & Brown J
(2020) Extreme Sulfur and Iron Isotope Fractionation in Pyrites from Cretaceous Sediments, Central Apennines, Italy
Gyomlai T, Fayek M, Ferrini V, Mignardi S & Devito C
(2019) Recycling of Archean Sulfur from the Proterozoic Kiggavik Uranium Deposit, Nunavut, Canada
Fayek M, Shabaga B, Quirt D & Ledru P
(2013) Ion Imaging of Biogenic and Abiogenic Mineral Surfaces
Fayek M
(2012) New Data on the Cenozoic Epithermal Uranium Concentrations at Nopal Deposit, Mexico
Angiboust S, Fayek M, Power IM, Camacho A, Calas G & Southam G
(2012) U Distribution and Speciation in Fe-Bearing Alteration Minerals at the McArthur River U-Deposit
Durocher J, Schindler M, Fayek M, Ng R, Kyser K & Jiricka D
(2011) Uranium Speciation in Opals from the Nopal I Deposit (Mexico)
Othmane G, Allard T, Menguy N, Vercouter T, Morin G, Calas G & Fayek M
(2010) Chemical, Isotopic and Structural Features Associated with Mineral-Fluid Systems Far from Equilibrium
Cole D, Labotka T, Fayek M, Utsunomiya S, DeAngelis M & Anovitz L
(2010) An Experimental Study of the Diffusion of C and O in Calcite in Mixed CO2-H2O Fluid
Labotka T, Cole D, Fayek M & Chacko T
(2010) A Global Survey of Oxygen Isotopes of Uranium Ores
Horita J, Fayek M & Ripley E
(2010) O and H Diffusion in Uraninite: Implications for Fluid-Uraninite Interactions and Nuclear Forensics
Fayek M, Anovitz L, Cole D & Bostick D
(2008) Coupled Cation and O Isotope Exchange in Alkali Feldspar
Labotka T, Cole D & Fayek M
(2008) Extreme Sulfur Isotope Variation in the Dry Creek Massive Sulfide Deposit, East-Central Alaska
Slack J, Ridley I, Dusel-Bacon C & Fayek M
(2007) O Isotope Exchange during the Breakdown of Dolomite: An Experimental Study
Labotka T, DeAngelis M, Cole D, Fayek M, Riciputi L, Ushikubo T, Kita N & Valley J
(2005) Mineral Reaction Interfaces and Associated Porosity Generation
Cole D, Labotka T, Larson P, More K, Kenik E, Fayek M, Stadermann F & Riciputi L
(2005) „Hydration‰ of Rhyolitic Glasses: Comparison between High- and Low-Temperature Processes
Anovitz L, Riciputi L, Cole D & Fayek M
(2005) Natural Uranium Getters in Near Surface Environments at the Nopal I Deposit, Peña Blanca, Mexico
Fayek M, Utsunomiya S, Ewing R & Simmons A
(2005) Characterization of Nd, Te and U Isotope Ratios in Uraninite Using SIMS
Fayek M & Palenik CS
(2005) Experimental Approaches to Predict the Behavior of Liquid Films
Palmer D, Anovitz L, Cole D, Fayek M, Gruszkiewicz M, Riciputi L, Wesolowski D & Wilson L
(2002) Coupled Cation and Oxygen Exchange between Alkali Feldspar and Aqueous Chloride Solution
Labotka T, Cole D, Fayek M & Riciputi L
(2002) A New Method for U-Pb Isotopic Analyses of Uranium Oxide Minerals by SIMS
Fayek M, Riciputi LR & Kyser TK