All abstracts by Iain Samson in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2024) A New Interpretation of an Old Layered Mafic Intrusion – Oxygen Isotope Evidence for the Genesis of the Coldwell Complex in the North American Midcontinent RiftBanerjee NR, Good D, Webb E, Meghji I, Linnen RL & Samson I
(2023) Zircon Texture and Chemistry Reveal Multi-Stage Metasomatic Zr Mineralization in the World-Class Baerzhe REE-Nb-Zr-Be Deposit
Wu M, Qiu K-F & Samson I
(2020) Identifying Magmatic Overprint in Orogenic Gold Systems: An Example from Wawa, Ontario, Canada
Wehrle E, Samson I, Montreuil J-F & Kontak D
(2020) Concentration of REE-Nb-Zr-Be in the Baerzhe Deposit, NE China: Insights from Textural and Chemical Features of Amphibole and Rare Metal Minerals
Wu M, Samson I & Zhang D
(2019) Metasomatic Snowball Quartz of the Baerzhe REE-Nb-Zr-Be Deposit in NE China
Wu M, Samson I & Zhang D
(2016) A Role for Hydrothermal Fluids in Ta-Li Mineralization in the Marginal Pegmatite of the Yichun Deposit, SE China
Wu M, Samson I & Zhang D
(2016) Trace Element Partitioning between Fluorite and Liquid
Yang L, van Hinsberg V & Samson I
(2016) Oxide Mineralogy as a Record of Postmagmatic Processes in the Eastern Gabbro, Coldwell Complex, NW Ontario: Significance of Textures
Brzozowski M, Samson I, Gagnon J, Good D & Linnen R