All abstracts by David Fellhauer in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2017) Redox Chemistry of Pu and Np Under Alkaline to Hyperalkaline pH ConditionsFellhauer D, Gaona X & Altmaier M
(2013) Is Plutonium Being Incorporated by Magnetite Under Anoxic Conditions?
Dumas T, Fellhauer D, Gaona X, Altmaier M & Scheinost A
(2012) Plutonium Redox Chemistry Under Anoxic Conditions in the Presence of iron(II) Bearing Minerals
Kirsch R, Fellhauer D, Altmaier M, Charlet L, Fanghanel T & Scheinost AC
(2011) Plutonium Redox Reactions with Iron Oxides Under Anoxic Conditions
Kirsch R, Fellhauer D, Altmaier M, Rossberg A, Fanghänel T, Charlet L & Scheinost AC
(2010) Reaction of Pu(III) and (V) with Magnetite and Mackinawite: A XANES/EXAFS Investigation
Kirsch R, Fellhauer D, Altmaier M, Neck V, Rossberg A, Charlet L & Scheinost AC