All abstracts by John Southon in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2021) New Measurements and Compilation Provide a 25, 000 Year View of Global Deep-Sea RadiocarbonRafter P(, Gray WR, Burke A, Costa K, Gottschalk J, Hain M, Hines SKV, Rae JWB, Southon J & Devries T
(2019) The Hulu Cave 14C Record
Edwards RL, Cheng H, Southon J, Wang Y, Kong X, Matsumoto K & Feinberg J
(2016) High-Resolution Records of Atmospheric 14C Based on Hulu Cave Speleothems
Cheng H, Edwards RL, Southon J, Xu Y & Li H
(2016) Meteoric 10Be and Compound Specifc 14C Revealed Timing of Colossal Antarctic Ice-Shelf Collapse
Yokoyama Y, Anderson J, Yamane M, Simkins L, Miyairi Y, Yamazaki T, Koizumi M, Suga H, Kusahara K, Prothro L, Hasumi H, Southon J & Ohkouchi N