All abstracts by David Fike at Goldschmidt2013
(2013) Carbon Isotope and Lipid Biomarker Stratigraphy from Organic-Rich Strata Through the Neoproterozoic Shuram Excursion in South Oman
Lee C, Fike D, Love G, Sessions A, Grotzinger J, Summons R & Fischer W |
(2013) Lateral Carbon Isotope Homogeneity in a Late Ordovician Epeiric Sea
Metzger JG & Fike D |
(2013) Depositional Controls on Spatial Heterogeneity in Pyrite δ34S: Comparing the Modern and Ancient
Fike D, Gao J & Aller R |
(2013) Constraining the Origin of Sulfur Isotopic Variability Through the End-Ordovician Hirnantian Glaciation and Mass Extinction
Rose C & Fike D |
(2013) Carbon Isotope Analysis of Conglomerates of the Cambro-Ordovician Cow Head Group, Western Newfoundland as a Proxy for the Origin of Carbonate Cements
Pruss S, Fike D, Castagno K & Hurtgen M |